
Wednesday, January 17, 2007


AUTHORESS EDITS:  Editorial Services by Authoress

I offer full line-editing services for 3-chapter partials.  Here are the details:

  • The fee is $95 for the first 3 chapters of your manuscript, or as close to 30 pages as possible. (If your chapters are short, you can send as many chapters as add up to approximately 30 pages.)  Please do not send more than 3 chapters if the total page count is over approximately 30.  (A couple of pages over won't matter.)  Please do not send partial chapters (end your submission at the end of a chapter).
  • $50 will be payable upon my agreement to take your project.  As soon as I receive your payment and your project, your place in line will be secured.  The final $45 will be payable upon completion of the project.
  • Payments will be accepted via Paypal.
  • Please email me at authoress.edits(at) if you would like to hire me.  I will respond to all emails in the order in which they are received.
  • Please also feel free to email me there with any questions you may have.  Please do not send editing questions to my facelesswords account.
  • What you will receive:  A detailed line edit and an editorial letter.  

  • I also offer 3-page critiques for $18, payable up front.  If you'd like some fresh eyes on the opening 3 pages of your novel, I'm your gal.  Email me at authoress.edits(at)

    Additionally, I occasionally offer 75-page line edits for $260.  I will announce these as they become available, and they will be first come, first served.