
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Awesome! Truly awesome....

This, from the comment box, by Karen Duvall:

I've tightened up my first page, thanks to the feedback, so hopefully this will make a difference to how agents view the start of my book. I'll be using the new first page in the requested fulls I'll be sending out later this week. Thanks so much to those who commented on my page!

This is what it's all about. Please continue to leave comments here, telling me what will be most helpful to you as a writer. I want this to be YOUR place. And I want eventually to have a regular "Success!" post, in which readers share their good news. We need to read it, we need to be encouraged, we need to keep pressing on.

So! Warm up those fingers, because I need to hear from you.

And Karen -- BEST OF LUCK!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Authoress! I've had 3 requests for fulls this week, one after the other, and I want my work to be as tight as it can be before I send it out. Challenges, contests, showcases, etc. on recent blogs have worked extremely well for me. Thanks to Bookends' Hook challenge, I was able to pen a strong enough query to entice the interest of over a dozen agents by way of partial and full requests. Thanks to Nathan Bradford's first page contest, my first page was selected by another blogger for an honorable mention on her blog.

    That's what it's about. We can't share our work with agents unless asked to do so, and we won't get asked unless we have something worthy to be asked for. Polishing our work is the first step. Patience is the second. 8^)
