
Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday Fricassee

As I spend time developing this blog and dreaming up content (I've got some I-hope-they're-as-cool-as-I-think-they-are ideas cooking), I'm going to jump right in and test a few things.

"Friday Fricassee" is all about my readers. Of course, this is a brand new blog, so pickin's may be a bit slim for a while. Basically, I'm opening up the comments box for a fricassee of ideas, input, amazing insight, etc., from those of you who feel so inclined to share.

And since this is our first official Friday Fricassee, the conversation starter is:

So, what do you write? Why do you write? And what are your goals and dreams?

Chat away! Reading comments is by far the best part of blogging.


  1. I'm super glad to chat/comment on your blog! I'm looking forward to reading your insight! :)

    How about heading over to mine while I'm reading yours? LOL!!


  2. Welcome to blogging--you're looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

    Soo...what do I write?

    I tend to be plot driven, so my stories usually have layered plotting with twists. Most of my characters are sarcastic, cause I am. It's my outlook on life--humor, but with a bit of a bite to it.

    Right now I'm working on a tween (I think it's a tween--never written this genre before) about a girl who lives in a Senior's Complex and she thinks overhears a murder happen in the room above her.

    My first shot at contemporary--most of my stuff is fantasy. I'm having a lot of fun with it. I'm hoping it's publishable--we'll see!

    Anyway, best of luck with the new blog! Post on Verla's when you have new posts, K?


  3. Yes, welcome to blogland. I write a lot of speculative fiction and have recently found my niche in historical fantasy. I never would have thought that I'd get so hooked on research!

    I write because I must. That's all there is to it. I suppose I could keep all the voices in my head rather than on paper, but then that would make me crazy, right?!

    I've got 2 books with 2 different editors, so my goal is to have at least one contract before summer starts. Boy do I hate waiting!

  4. Welcome to the world of blog, blog, blog.

    What do I write? MG and YA it seems. Fantasy and contempory. I'd like to write PBs but I haven't mastered the technique in any way shape or form.

    Basically I write about whatever idea is boiling away most furiously on the stove of my imagination. (I have A LOT many ideas cooking don't you know.)


  5. It's me again. :) I forgot to answer your questions! :)

    I write poetry, picture books, mysteries, chapter books, mag articles, puzzles and greeting cards. I haven't received a book contract YET, but I have sold several poems, articles and puzzles to different mags. I have also sold a greeting card to Blue Mountain Arts and have a couple in their test market right now. Over the next few months, I'm going to be focusing on my Christian mystery novel (not for kids) that I've put on the backburner for several years now.

    That was way too much info, wasn't it? And I didn't even share it all!! :)


  6. OK, I'm absolutely loving this writerly banter. :)


    Thanks, all, for taking the time to share a bit about yourselves.

    Angela -- your story premise sounds intriguing! I've gotta ask: Why does she live in a senior center? (See, I already want to read more!)

    Bish -- Sounds like you've mastered the art of multitasking, in which area I seem to be sorely lacking. Maybe you'll rub off on me...

    Donna -- Wow! You wear many hats. I'm impressed! Feel free to share more. I need others to look up to. :D

  7. I guess I should have mentioned that my books are YA. I love those ghost stories!

  8. My sister introduced me to MSFV. It was here that I really began to learn what the publishing industry is all about and what it is like. Slow is it's middle name. But rewarding is it's last name.
    I learned about my weaknesses and strengths. I also learned that there are also people just like me out there who want to tell a story.

    I noticed that the year and date on these comments fall in April of 2008. Better late than never.


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