
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Screamin' Meme

How could I resist a meme from one of my gentle readers and a fellow writer?

Here it is:

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to Angela once you've posted your 3 sentences.

Now, this is really not a reflection of my personal reading taste, since this book just happened to be collecting dust in my office, but here you go:

The book: Million Dollar Consulting by Alan Weiss

The required sentences:

Ask what their favored models are to see if there are conflicts (for example, the candidate believes that "right brain thinkers" can't be organized in their work habits, a position that you find abhorrent). Spend extended time together, professionally and socially. Collaborate on several projects.

(OK, is this dry or what?)

Honestly, my personal reading list is far more exciting than that. I just don't happen to spend my leisure reading time in my office.

And since I'm anonymous and wouldn't dream of disclosing my personal blogging relationships online, I am officially tagging EVERYONE WHO ENTERED A SUBMISSION IN THE FIRST "ARE YOU HOOKED."

So there. You've ALL been tagged!


  1. Good think I'm pretty much anonymous then :) Yuna

  2. Gee, and Million Dollar Consulting has only been selling well since 1992 through three editions and three languages! Your random sentences change everything. War and Peace never would have made that kind of tight scrutiny and intellectual vigor, either!

  3. And now I'm getting all these hits from the author's web site. Oops! Guess I should've said something more complimentary, like my husband found great value in the book when he was working as a consultant, or the cover is eye-catching, or...


    And touche on the anonymous thing! LOL

  4. Zzzzzzzz...huh, wuhzat? I'm awake, honest, Ma!

    Haha, I can't say much about your hubby's reading DH's bookshelf has some titles I bet would get your hubby all excited. I could list the business titles so you can get some more Consulting related hits if you want....muahhaaahaa.

  5. You know what's really frustrating? Alan's site is pay-only, so I can't even click in to see exactly where these hits are coming from. (Consulting geeks?)

    Ya, I'm nosy, and it's been killing me all day!
