
Friday, April 4, 2008

Who Am I, Anyway?

I'm obviously not going to say a whole lot about myself, since I'm choosing to remain anonymous.

In honor of Miss Snark, and all that.

But here's a little background so that you know I'm "for real":

I'm female. (Obviously.)

I am an aspiring author, on the angst-ridden road toward publication.

I have written and self-published one NF book.

I am seeking representation and/or publication for my current works of fiction.

I write for children. That's picture books to young adult.

My NF book is not for children.

I am married.

I hate dogs.

And everything I am and ever will be, I owe to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

Please take me as I am. I will do the same for you


  1. Nice to meet you! I've read your posts on this is another great way to get to know you! :)


  2. You may know me as Stef from Verla Kay's. Thanks for sharing who you are in Jesus Christ. I'm glad!

    If you want to meet another non-fic author face-to-faceless, join me at my blog for an interview with Car:

    There's a giveaway, too!


  4. Are you kidding Voldo? Dislike of dogs is easy. They poo in your yard. Bark all night. Leave mangy fur everywhere. Lick you. They are gross.
    And Authoress, you just rose higher on my list of people I admire, for that comment alone.
    And because you also give credit where credit is due. We would be nothing without Jesus Christ. Keeping Him in everything we do is essential.

  5. You are awesome and so right! We would be nothing without Jesus Christ!

    P.S. I hate dogs too. (Love cats though…) =D

  6. Love the blog! I love meeting fellow Christians online, especially writers.

    Oh, and I'm not a fan of dogs, either. When I was a kid, my next door neighbors had quite a rambunctious Dalmatian, and well, let's just say I was traumatized.

  7. I wanted to follow in your footsteps, not as a follower but by example. Every agent says do things this way and that way. Everyone says to attend and join any and all writing groups or conferences. Bottom line is everyone "has" a different way of doing things. I like your way, so if any of your readers want a different view from a general mind, please read my blog.

  8. Stay strong on the dog boundaries. I gave in to my kids after years of whining (they wore me down as per their dasturdly plan) to allow a small puppy who now weighs 92 pounds and loves nothing better than to lick himself and then try to lick me. Good thing I love those kids!

  9. I recently found your site and love it. I love your tone, how you treat your readers and moderate. I am delighted to know you are a sistah in Christ. You may be anonymous, but you are one brave girl.

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