
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Random Thoughts

I'm thinking...

* Wow, why didn't anyone pick up where Merc left off with our little switch-the-genre thing? Her words were written with a crafty smirk -- couldn't you see it? *wink*

* The Publishing World has its own definition of the verb "to publish;" as in, "One of us thought that your work was good enough to pay money for, so we bought the rights and printed a few copies with our name on it." The dictionary and most self-published authors disagree. I find myself wondering how my readers feel about this.

* We'll be doing another crit posting next week. Be thinking along the lines of: a hot blurb!

* If I see one more misuse of "its" and "it's" I'll retire to bedlam.

* Bonus points: From whence cometh the phrase, "I'll retire to bedlam?"


  1. Scrooge said it!

    I'm afraid I'm always mixing it's and its. It's not that I don't know the difference. It's just that my little finger loves that apostrophe and keeps slipping it in.

  2. Well, because you recognized the Scrooge quote, I'll forgive you for the apostrophe mix-ups...this time. ;)

  3. Heh. But didn't someone actually continue the story after me? Or did I hallucinate? :o

    Looking forward to the blurbs! That'll be a lot of fun. B-)

    I won't retire to bedlam, but I WILL set things on fire for the it's/its problem. It bugs us, precious, it hurts, it burns us... *Merc glides away, muttering to herself*

  4. LOL Merc!

    And yes, someone did continue the story after you, but that wasn't until after I'd whined about nobody continuing the story after you...
