
Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Fricassee

So he's gone and done it.

Despite my rants about Terry Brooks's terrible tags and cloying clichés, he has sucked me into the entire Jerle Shannara trilogy and I am, in fact, almost finished with the third book.

Serves me right.

Though, to be sure, my complaints about his writing stand.

And he seems to have acquired a penchant for particularly graphic and gory death scenes. Definitely a "boy writer."

I mean, I don't really need to have visions of dismembered bodies, bone fragments, and heads-ripped-off-at-the-neck embedded in my brain. Seriously.

But I am compelled to finish the tale. Because he's just that good at making you want to know what happens (even in the midst of skimming over ridiculously boring internal dialogue every other page).

So there. I've confessed.

What are you unable to put down right now? Any recommendations? I'm going to need to clear my head of some very unsettling battle scenes after this.



  1. I'm currently reading So B. It by Sarah Weeks. I stayed up way too late last night because I couldn't put it down. I haven't finished it yet so I can't tell you if I like the ending, but I like what I've read so far.

  2. I'm a sci-fi fanatic. Price of the Stars was the first book I finished in under 24 hours. I just HAD to know how things would turn out and the scene where Beka invades the clinic and nearly gets Jessan killed.... :) I still love that scene.

  3. Currently reading...

    Tiger in the Well, Philip Pullman (read it when I was younger, rereading, enjoying it).

    2nd volume in Les colombes du roi-soleil (yup, french historical fiction - in french! young adult) about the life for girls at a school in versaille. Good read. I just keep reading more. Yunax
