
Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Fricassee

Goodness me. Has it really been a week?

I mostly want to Your responses to last week's "Friday Fricassee" were nothing short of amazing. Thoughtful, honest, inspiring.

I think I might be compelled to take off my cybermask if I had the chance to meet you all at a coffee house. I might even be compelled to pay for everyone's lattes.


So here I am, writing on another Friday (yes, I'm embarrassed to have blown off writing anything here for an entire week), and thinking, hmmm, what can I share with these fascinating writers after they've bared their souls in my comments box?

And I know just the thing.

You see, I've got something really cool in the works for all of you. Really cool. As in, really.

So, while I'm not exactly ready to spill all the beans, I do want to tease you a little bit, just out of the sweetness of my heart.

Here's the teaser: There's going to be a Very Special Are You Hooked? next month. It's going to include the usual -- call for specific submissions, crits from fellow writers. And it's also going to include something extra.

As in, a special secret guest.

Who will offer a special prize to the best entry.

Yep. It's THAT GOOD.

And as if that's not good enough, we're going to do the whole thing over again the following month. With a new special secret guest and a new special prize.

Are you drooling yet?

Oh, yeah. You're going to love this. And I'm not even winking.

So start spreading the word. Whisper down the alley and all that. Spruce up your favorite WIP and check this blog for the specifics, which I plan on posting next week to give you plenty of time to submit your very best!

Now you're either loving me or hating me. I'm okay with that, though. Because I'm sure you will all love me when it comes time for full disclosure.

Feel free to chatter away in the comments box, and I'll join in when I can. But don't even think about asking me any questions about the Very Special Something. You're just going to have to wait.

Tee hee.

Have an awesome weekend! Wish I could better express how you've inspired me.


  1. I noticed you used really three times. So it must be real. :)

  2. Hmmm.... My favorite WIP? You realize that's like asking me to pick a favorite child. But I do have one that's in the works so it can be queried by November.

    Maybe that one. Or maybe another.... owww! So hard to choose!

    P.S. I'm glad you're back. I was starting to wonder what happened.

  3. Awww, thanks for wondering. I did a bit of traveling.

    Maybe I shouldn't have said "favorite" WIP! Maybe I should have said "most polished." Or something like that.

    And yes, jerzegirl, it "really" is "real." And I'm "really" excited about it. :)

  4. Well, I'm intrigued! My work schedule has been completely changed, so I've not been around much. :P But will check back more frequently as I can...

    Favorite WIP? Hah. Changes all the time depending on what I hate about the various stories at the moment. ;P

