
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

You May Have Noticed...

There hasn't been a call for submissions this week.

Well, bear with me. It's hard getting a new blog up and running. The lifeblood of a successful blog is its readership -- so long as the blog itself is well written and somewhat engaging (I flatter myself). Most of the time, readership builds slowly. My faithful readers/critters (yes, that would be you) have been amazing. You crawled out of your cyberholes and sprinkled your goodness and talent all over the comment boxes.

I'm grateful.

But I've got to make sure this thing will work. And that takes...thought. Aside from all the thought, though, there needs to be a continual building of community. I've discovered over the past several years that writers are really good at that -- at building community. That's probably because we so desperately need it.

Who else understands the journey, except for those who are traveling it?

We'll do another "Are You Hooked?" next week. I promise.

In the meantime -- write on! It's good to know that there are so many like minded, passionate writers out there. I'm pleased to be among you.


  1. I don't always participate when life gets busy...but I always read :)


  2. Blogging is work, and we all struggle (says I, who knows I should be posting right now) at times, so no worries.

    Even if you don't get to new posts once in a while, it's good to try and make sure you still visit other people's blogs to keep the relationship with other bloggers open. :-)
