
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Secret Agent Round 1: THE WINNERS!

The moment for which you've been panting has arrived!

(Well, okay, that was melodramatic. I'm a little excited.)

The winners of our Secret Agent Are You Hooked? featuring Holly Root are as follow:


Post 50
Title: Interesting Times on Shivak Orbital
Author: Symbol

The prize: Personal critique of your query letter by Holly Root

AND OUR THREE WINNERS (in no particular order -- Holly loves them all!):

Post 21
Title: Web
Author: 3bythesea

Post 68
Title: Belly Up
Author: Em

Post 106
Title: Craning
Author: jamr

The prize:

A PARTIAL REQUEST from Holly! Winners are respectfully asked to submit their query plus the first three chapters of the novel.

**Winners, please email me ASAP for instructions on how to submit your winning entries to Holly.** [Facelesswords(at)]

WARMEST CONGRATULATIONS to the three of you!

And to everyone who entered: I don't mean to sound like a kindergarten teacher, but you are all "winners" here. Thank you for being COURAGEOUS and HUMBLE and TEACHABLE and KIND.

I really mean that.

I'll be back later with some more thoughts about our highly successful experience!


  1. CONGRATS, you guys! :D *throws flaming confetti*


  2. Yeah, #21 -- I just won a bet with my coworker that she would pick that one. I loved it,too.
    Congrats to the other three winners, and to everyone who entered this contest!

    -- Kate


  4. Congratulations, you guys! That's fantastic! :D I'm so glad for you, that's great!


  5. Congratulations! All of these were fantastic entries. Good going! :-)

  6. Thanks to everyone who submitted! Quick reminder that these are just my picks--there were LOTS of really solid entries that would've been in another agent's top 3 for sure. Thanks for having me and being mucho brave and open!

  7. Congrats to all. I'm glad that more than just one person got something out of it, but four was unexpected.

    Now I know I'm jumping the gun a bit, but I'm excited for the next ARE YOU HOOKED event. I'm addicted to checking comments and reading these first pages now.

    Why did you have to get me hooked?

  8. Congratulations to all the winners. These were all intriguing entries. Best of luck to you.

  9. 'grats guys - and good luck!

    (And thanks Holly & Authoress for teh opportunity!)

  10. Congrats to all! And many thanks to Holly and Authoress. This was fantastic!

  11. Congradulations everyone! It was so much fun to read all these beginnings. I had a terrific time.

  12. Congratulations to the winners! Wonderful job! *adds more confetti to the mix*

    The contest was a lot of fun and so helpful to all who participated. Thanks again to Holly Root and Authoress for being so generous and helpful! :)

  13. Woo-frickin-Hoo! Congratulations, everyone!

    And big thanks again to Holly and Authoress!

  14. Hooray for you! Excellent job! I hope she loves your partial, you have an eager group of fans waiting to see the published book :o)

  15. Congrats to you all!

    Thanks Holly and Authoress!


  16. Wooo! Congrats everyone!

  17. Thanks to all who commented, and thanks Holly, you're a critting machine.
