
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Winners Announced!

Thank you all for your patience! (Or self-restraint, at the very least.)

I am excited to announce the WINNERS of our second SECRET AGENT Are You Hooked? contest, hand chosen by Barbara Poelle.


Hope (Post #18) by Michelle

THE PRIZE: Barbara Poelle requests that you send your first chapter and a full synopsis to facelesswords(at)


Treasured Lies (Post #10) by Elknutswife

THE PRIZE: Barbara Poelle requests that you send your first three chapters and a full synopsis to facelesswords(at)


Deadly Disillusion (Post #15) by Ridgerunner

THE PRIZE: Barbara Poelle requests that you send your full manuscript and a full synopsis to facelesswords(at)

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THREE OF YOU! Please email any questions you may have concerning your prizes.

Wait, there's more!!


Any entry for which Barbara Poelle said she would "read on" or if it was clear she enjoyed the segment, she encourages you to send the first ten pages and a full synopsis to queries(at) with ATTN: BARBARA POELLE, REQUESTED CONTEST FINALIST in the subject line.

(There should be approximately ten or so of you.)

And there you have it! A smaller turn-out with some top notch results! I'm awfully proud of all of you. What an honor to be involved in even the smallest way! Who knows where things like this may lead, you know?

And on a quick closing note to those of you who will be submitting your winning entries: In Barbara's words, she will "bust her biscuits" to get through these, but you should still count on a 6 to 8 week response time. (She is, after all, only human. Which explains why she doesn't represent sci/fi, yes?)

Thanks, kudos, cheers, slaps-on-backs, huzzahs, et al. I'm going to go have a glass of white.


  1. Congrats everybody!

    Thanks again to Authoress for all of her time and work.

    Thanks to our not-so-secret agent for her time too!

    :) Terri

  2. Wow! Very exciting :) Thanks so much to Authoress and Ms. Poelle for their time and energies :)

  3. Congrats to the winners! Are you going to list the honorable mentions?

  4. Congrats to some very talented writers! You guys rock. Out of the slush pile and into the publishing stratosphere, hopefully!

    For those of us who think we might qualify as an honorable mention, is there any kind of time limit on our submission?

    At any rate, once again, thank you so much for this wonderful learning experience!

  5. Thank you Ms. Poelle for selecting me as the First Place Winner.

    Thank you Authoress for making this competition possible.

  6. nope no deadline- just make sure it's PERFECT. And I mean Pristine, Unblemished, Unmarred, Ready For Prime Time- there is no time limit on careful attention to detail!

  7. Congrats to the winners and all! And thanks to Authoress and Ms. Poelle!

  8. Congratulations to the winners!! Well done!

  9. Congrats, winners! Well deserved. I hope all of you'll get representation and a nice book deal out of it.
    And thanks again to Authoress and Barbara.

  10. Congradulations Elknutswife and Ridgerunner!

    Wow, I'm sooooo happy. Thanks so much Ms. Poelle.

  11. Congratulations also to the second and third place winners, Elknutswife and Michelle.

  12. Congratulations to all the winners - that is so exciting! Good luck to all of you!

    And congratulations to Authoress for another well-run and highly-successful round of Secret Agent. I can't think where you find these agents - do you have a special hotline to "Nice, Helpful Agents"?

  13. CONGRATS, everyone! :D (I think I recognize one of you. %-))

    I didn't participate--life got in the way--but I'm glad to see this AYH SA was a success too. :D

    Many thanks to Ms. Poelle for participating. :D


  14. Congrats to everyone! And the best of luck with your submissions. Good job.

  15. You have to be non-human to rep sci-fi? Dash it all! Where is Mr Spock's e-mail???

    Good luck to the winners! I hope you have a fantastic run with this potential agent!
