
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let Me Tell You Why I'm Encouraged

We ended up with 45 submissions to this week's Secret Agent contest.

My initial reaction was....hmmm. I really expected us to hit the 75-limit. I checked my gmail account like a frenetic goose all day, making sure the quota hadn't been filled before the 24-hour period ended. And as the day turned into evening, it was clear that that wasn't going to happen.

Then it hit me.

The 45 submissions are highly qualified. These are folks who took it seriously when I said, "Completed novels only." This work has been polished. Some of these entries are edited, improved versions of pages submitted to previous contests. They've been through the grist mill, so to speak.

In other words, I don't have a bunch of silly, green writers on my hands, nervously throwing their manuscripts into the hat in the wild hope of grabbing an agent's attention. No, indeed. I've got serious writers on my hands who know that this contest is an opportunity to put your best foot forth. Serious writers who have already learned to gleen from previous contests (and in-house crits), taking the advice, suggestions, feedback from their fellow authors and using it to craft an even better piece of work.

Remember the other week when I said I wanted Miss Snark's First Victim to become a "premium slush pile" for agents? Well, I think we're on our way. And that's why I'm encouraged this morning.

You all rock. And you're all winners.

(And by the way -- haven't you noticed my photo? I mean, seriously. A gal could get a complex with the thundering silence around here...)


  1. So is that really a photo of you? Awesome! It looks fantastic. And yes, I did notice it before and thought, "that's cool!" *hang my head about the silence*

    I sure hope I fall under the good, seasoned writers list. I am very new to your blog, and hope my work shines among the others (But I still want to make it better, of course. Which is why I'm here!)

    Thank you for this opportunity. I am excited for the critiquing to begin.

    *hands Authoress a big slice of chocolate cake for her time and efforts - (and stressing out about 45 submissions)

  2. I saw the photo, that's a wig, right? It's very... red... hair.

    I did submit. I think I'll get the same reaction as before, I don't name the character. I rewrote the opening dozens of times. I've tried naming him. I've tried opening the book elsewhere. I've tried opening from another POV.

    None of it works.

    So, I'm prepared to get flayed alive for not using a proper noun in my first 250 words.

    My beta readers who have gone past the first 250 words on to page 2 have forgiven me, so there is hope, as long as I can query with the first five pages and not just the first one.

  3. LOL, Just_Me -- it's a HAT.

    *munching on the chocolate cake*

  4. lol I did notice the photo this morning, but I thought it had always been there. I like it!

  5. Oh! I guess it's time to get some glasses for these old eyes.

    *hobbles away to dig her own grave*

    :o) Eye strain. Definitely eye strain...

  6. It must take forever to get any work done writing with a quill! That's a great photo. I assumed it was a stock photo. Very clever!

    I entered the contest and I did last time, too (different book this time.) Looking forward to the feedback and reading everyone else's work. It was so helpful last time. I did have to do some paring down to get the hook in those first 250 words. I hope it still works. Thanks again for this awesome opportunity.

  7. Oh, a hat! Of course! I totally thought it was hair, too . . . in fact, I didn't think it was a real photo, but a drawing someone colored in photoshop or something. I think I'll go stand in the corner . . .


    Like lady_glamis, I'm excited for the critiquing. Though I've not entered the Secret Agent pool before, I've changed the beginning of my novel many times based on feedback from critiques. And after the critiquing begins here, I'll probably need to change it again. *grin*

  8. When it was the black background I thought it was a wig, but the white background clarifies it as a hat. I thought so, anyway. I'm not trying to suck up. Really.

  9. Mr. Authoress nixed the black background when he saw it -- said it wasn't clear enough, and I had to agree. That, and it made my waistline look thicker. ;D

  10. Of COURSE that's a hat!

    I must say, though, that I am bit disgruntled about the black dress. It should be purple. No one should be allowed to wear a hat that fabulous and that red unless she also wears the other badge of honor.

    Hand over the hat, and all will be forgiven. :-)

  11. Ur...disorderly? Are you implying that I'm old enough to wear a purple dress with my fabulous red hat??

    Answer slowly.


  12. Oooooh, how I wanted to enter this contest! My brain aches over the idea of not submitting my WIP, but after Nathan Bransford's recent post on how impatience can be a writer's biggest downfall, I made this contest a practice in patience.

    I keep telling myself there will be another SA contest that I can enter after I've finished polishing my final revision.

    Please tell me I'm write . . .I mean right. ;-)

  13. **hastily scribbling a slow reply**

    I prostrate myself at your feet, oh Goddess of the Written Word! I would never imply something that despicable.

    However, since you clearly are NOT that old, I respectfully suggest you hand over the hat to someone else who is not that she can deliver it to someone who is. Yeah, that's it!

    I'm only looking out for the wardrobial wellbeing of our seasoned sisters -- and, of course, trying to spare you the embarrassment of being mistaken for a flamboyant crone. You know how quickly some people jump to conclusions. ;-)

  14. When will the entries be posted?

  15. LMAO!

    Purple dress????? Oh man, glad that wasn't me that said that one (although my own mother would kill for that red hat to go with her gaudy purple attire)!

    Glad to see that you haven't burned out trying to help all of us fledgling writers.

    :) Terri

  16. It doesn't matter how polished our manuscripts are, they will still be ripped apart. Someone will always find fault with it.

    We just need to know when to stop editing. When to listen to critique and when to listen to your own judgement.

    Looking forward to reading the comment's and suggestions.

  17. I didn't enter this one, but look forward to reading your work. I love this blog. Authoress, you are wonderful for doing these things for us writers. Maybe because you're a writer as well, we feel like we can relate to you.
    Thank you

  18. I confess, I thought the picture was a cute graphic, but did not realize it was a picture! Looking tres chic in the dress, I might add.

  19. I saw the pics, and I agree with Mr. Authoress's decision. I couldn't tell what the quill was in the black one. The white looks much better.

    Love the hat! You look great.

  20. Love the photo, Authoress. ;)

    I meant to comment... um... whenever I was last on here but forgot. O:)

    Anyway, thanks for hosting this again! :D I'm sure it'll be great success like they all are.



  21. Love the photo, Authoress. I adore hats of all kinds. Can't wait for the contest critiques. :)

  22. Yeah, I thought, cool picture, but its really not fair to expect a comment if you're too shy to show the flip side as otherwise, how were we to gather this isnt really Mr Authoress? Those cross dressing, hat thieves make notorious husbands.

  23. I can't wait to see how my 250 words measure up... I'm expecting some harsh crits as well, but like Just Me, I think the possible "cliche" aspect of my beginning is really what's best for the book's opening and I think I've done it right so that it works.

    We'll see what everyone else thinks.

    I thought long and hard about which novel to submit this time. I didn't revise my last one enough for it to count for a second run (and it got mostly positive comments anyway, so it didn't need it) and I had to pass on the other one I really wanted to, because it wasn't polished enough... maybe next month's contest will see it ready.

    Regardless, I can't wait to get ripped to shreds. :D

    Oh, and I also love the photo.

  24. WOW! That's quite a quill!

    No, in all seriousness, that is a great picture. :)

    Wish I had found this sooner and could have submitted an entry.


  25. Authoress, it's a LOVELY photo :D Am I'm sure all our praise now has you preening, so all should be well :D

    Looking forward to seeing the entries, even though I had nothing to enter this time :)

  26. I didn't submit. My novel hasn't been properly rewritten yet. I guess that makes me one of those "silly, green writers". Ouch. A fine example of the power of words at its best/worst.
    I guess the picture is very fitting, Authoress, the way you turned your back on this silly green wannabe. ;-)

    Good luck to all the serious writers. I'll try and crit if I have time.

  27. Luc2 --

    I didn't submit. My novel hasn't been properly rewritten yet. I guess that makes me one of those "silly, green writers"

    NO NO NO NO!!!!!

    It makes you one of the SERIOUS WRITERS. You had the discernment to know that you weren't quite ready. That's the mark of a TRUE writer, a serious writer who has learned that the first few words sprinkled liberally on a page are not the be-all-end-all. And that even the fourth draft might not be the "one." Yet.

    You, and others like you, are the reason these contests bring forth high quality.

    I'm IMPRESSED with your decision. (And there are others of you, too, who have decided to sit out this round -- I am impressed with ALL of you.)

    Okay? You are not a "silly green writer."

    And even if you WERE, you would still belong here on this blog, where we are all learning and growing together.

    Whew! I'll have to come back later to comment on some of the lighter stuff in this comment box.

    I mean...PREENING? Do I look like the preening sort?

    (Don't answer that...)

  28. Now I'm excited! When will we see the submissions online?

  29. Submissions will be up Thursday. :)

  30. And my belated responses:

    Kat: Yes, you're right.

    Disorderly: trying to spare you the embarrassment of being mistaken for a flamboyant crone ... LOL!!

    matt m: Urghlgckkpht

    anon: Maybe because you're a writer as well, we feel like we can relate to you. I think you're right. We're all in this together; we're equals. I love it.

    Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to go preen a bit.

  31. That really is a great pic and I'm so glad you aren't being stabbed with the quill. The blood-red hat should be enough to remind us of what happened with Miss Snark.


  32. This is a little late, but I absolutely love your hat!
