
Thursday, November 13, 2008

29 SECRET AGENT: Are You Hooked?

Submission redacted because the author has just landed an agent!!!!


  1. Good luck # 29. I wish you a quick sale! :)

  2. Congratulation! I can't wait til I can say the same thing!

  3. Congrats! I'm curious as to what the entry looked like - it would've been interesting to see the quality-level necessary to really hook an agent.

  4. That is great news, congratulations, and yes, I would have like to have a peek at your first page also.

  5. I am entry #29. Thank you for all your nice wishes, everyone!

    Since I haven't officially signed a contract, I'm hesitant to out myself or my work quite yet. For those who are interested though, I will tell you this: I was one of the winners of the first SA contest on here (though not with the work that landed me an agent).

    The work that did land me an agent was entered in the last SA contest and it did not win. The first page that was posted there is the same one that led me to my agent, so it just goes to show how subjective this business is!

    Best of luck to all of you, and I'll still be sure to leave feedback for as many as I can!

  6. Congratulations!!

    I hope you 'fess up soon!

  7. Great news. And thanks for telling us how it worked for you.

    Best wishes!

  8. I'm new to this blog. Karen (who I think is a "regular" here) turned me on to Miss Snark's blog, and I have to say reading about your news is as encouraging as Miss Snark's wonderful blog-spot. I hope you'll keep posting here as you journey on to publication.
