
Monday, December 8, 2008

So here's what we're going to do...

Tomorrow I'm going to post THE ENTIRE FIRST CHAPTER from somebody's manuscript. Then we'll all have the rest of the week to read it and offer our helpful feedback.

RallyStorm members: CHECK THE BOARD. The "winner" (chosen randomly) will be posted over there.

Many thanks to Luc2 for the inspiration behind this. I think it's going to be enjoyable and educational. I'm not even worried about the feedback; you've all proven yourselves time and again to be fair, honest, and kind. Authors don't grow thick skins from constant, sugary pats on the back; neither do they grow in their craft if the criticism is harsh and personal. You already know the balance, and I never cease to be amazed at what you all offer here.

Yep, just a little "reader love fest" there.

So post your questions here, and keep a lookout for the chapter tomorrow.


  1. Hi Authoress - just joined rallystorm. what is your forum title. I know it's too late for the 1st chapter submission but I'd like to have the info for future contests...

  2. I joined - thank you - but I'm flailing at present -- my first novel out tomorrow is taking all my time.

  3. HELP!

    I sent the email, but I don't know the forum name.

    And, it's Monday ALL DAY!

  4. Since we have all month to crit the winner's work, I think it would only be fair to select the next winner from only those that took the time to crit the month before.

    That may already be a rule, but I thought I'd just throw that out there. It should increase the number of crits that are given, which is the whole point isn't it?

    Just a thought...

    :) Terri

  5. K.M. Walton et al:

    If you want to join the RallyStorm forum, please email me at authoressmail(at) If you're already a RallyStorm member, PLEASE let me know what your screen name is over there. If you are NOT a RallyStorm member, please tell me which address to send the invitation to.

    The group is marked private, which is why you can't find it.


    I agree that all RallyStorm members should be expected to crit (and I imagine everyone will). I'll make a point of mentioning that on the forum -- thank you!

  6. Authoress, I joined a month or so ago. But, I'm not listed for your forum I suppose since I can't see it. My screen name is ChristaCarol :)

  7. ChristaCarol --

    Actually, you ARE in the forum -- your name was included in my drawing this morning. I'll send you another invitation, in case something went wrong somewhere. But rest assured that your name is on the list! :)

  8. Hi again, Authoress - rallystorm screen name is: skateorbate Looking forward to the next chapter submission...

  9. Hm, maybe I'm just a blind idiot then! lol, I'll try looking again to see if maybe I missed it. I'll be sure to keep an eye on my mail this afternoon just in case though. Thanks dear!

  10. I'd love to join Rally Storm, but where do I go to join?

  11. google rally storm

    They had to pull that name out of a hat
