
Monday, February 23, 2009

Call For Submissions: Drop the Needle

Well, we've done "tension," we've done "guess the emotion," we've done "secondary character." Let's try something new.

This round of Drop the Needle is all about strong chapter endings. Now, it's admittedly hard to get "dropped" into a story as it is, let alone get "dropped" right where a chapter ends. Hence the challenge!

Send me your best 250-word excerpt that ends a chapter. And this part's important: Please include a brief (oh, please! brief!) blurb at the top to help us understand the setting of the scene.

Your submission should follow this format:


Blurbity Blurb


Just so. Send your submission to me at facelesswords(at) I will accept submissions for the next 24 hours.

And please don't trample each other. Unlike the contests, which have a 50-submission cap, this critique session is pretty much open-ended. Well, unless it gets beyond human endurance, in which case I'll cut it short.

In other words, there's no need to scramble to get your submission sent in. There is no secret agent waiting in the wings, no cut-off, no prizes, no pressure.

Also please remember that if you do not receive a confirmation email from me, I did not receive your entry! However, please note that I don't have an automated confirmation email system in place. So, depending on my schedule tomorrow, you may get a confirmation email within 5 minutes or 5 hours. I know that's not ideal, but I promise I'll do my best.

So, send me a chapter ending that makes me say, "I want to read on!" All entries will be posted anonymously and open for critique starting on Wednesday.

Please post your questions here!


  1. That was a hard one, Authoress. I hope I make it in the mad rush. I can just see all the fingers maddly clicking down their manuscripts, looking for the best ending. This is so much fun. It's like being back in school doing an exam.

    Well mine has gone now, but I bet you've already recieved too many. We're all fanatics. LOL.

  2. Heh... I picked the ending of my third chapter. Supposedly the last chance you have to get the reader to read the rest of the book.

    If it's good or bad, it's important to know.

    Looking forward to reading all the chapter endings later this week<:

  3. This is a needed one for me. I've been told chapter endings are one of my weaknesses...

  4. This was an interesting experiment. It was odd to look at a manuscript 'from the bottom up.' Made me concentrate on different areas than usual, which was probably a good thing and something I'll keep in mind as I edit in the future. Thanks! Looking forward to the results now!

  5. Wow that was tough. I couldn't make up my mind which one to send. I mean, how hard is it to choose from 25 chapters? Good thing I didn't have 50!

    I can't wait to read everyone's chapter endings (or as many as I can do). Especially those of you whose beginnings I've read in the SA contests.

    Thanks, Authoress, for doing this.

  6. How fun! I *love* these non-pressure contests. :)

  7. The third chapter eh? learn new things everyday. :-) I love this blog! Thanks for all the helpful info.

  8. This was eye-opening. I found, depending on which chapter ending I selected, one might guess my novel to be one of a three genres. The genre of the whole is clear though, so I don't think it's a problem. But now, of course, I'll be worrying about this for a while.

  9. I also went with chapter three, as the first three chapters are commonly requested from agents (whom I definitely want to read on!).

  10. I picked the end of chapter three, too ... because the MS I picked the excerpt from currently only has three and a half chapters. (I could have picked something from a MS that's actually finished, but I think this one needs the crit a lot more!)

  11. What an interesting idea. Now I'm going to have to go through the whole manuscript thinking of this.

  12. I used Chapter Four... no particular rhyme or reason there... there were a few chapters I could have chosen from, but then a few where 250 words just wasn't enough, it was too late in the action and it would be like getting the punchline without the joke. This one's a new one that's still in rough draft stages.

    I've only found your blog in the last week or so, but it looks like a great exercise. Can't wait to read through the other entries.

  13. I am also submitting the end of my third chapter. It has a lot more action than the end of chapter (which doesn't seem to go with a paranormal romance- but Young Adult Paranormal Romantic Suspense is way too long and may just be a made up genre). After some more intense revision of it, I realized that I need to put a lot of effort into really revising the end of chapter two.

    I love these critiques because they make me squeeze as much out of those 250 words as possible- something I need to try to do with the entire manuscript.

    Thank you, Authoress, for the opportunity and the drive to keep with the revisions. I can't wait to see everyone submissions. I learn as much from critiquing everyone else as the critiques of my own work.

  14. I'm new. I enjoy the blog, so I guess this is as good of a time as any to contribute. I'll assume that you wish the submission to go to the gmail address.

  15. Ah, fun! Glad I'm back from my trip so I can contribute. Will try and get you a submission soon. :)

  16. I'm joining the 'end of chapter 3' gang. Can't wait for some fun reading!

  17. Ok, I'm going to have to go back and check the end of my third chapter again. I didn't even think of that! Thanks!

  18. Ha! I have a chapter ending that's good for this!!!

    *goes to find it*

  19. I didn't even think about the third chapter thing when I picked mine. But since my partial ms is already out and page 50 was the end of a scene in chapter 4, this rule didn't apply for me. So I picked out a later chapter . . . in case I get a request for a full ;0)

    Looking forward to the feedback. And more importantly, looking forward to help those who felt their endings are weak. Sometimes it's because you've written 1 or 2 paragraphs more than you really needed.

  20. Hey, this is my first contest to enter and I have a few questions, where you want the Screen Name, is that our log in email name or is that our name that it puts when you leave comments? I hope I get in before you close submissions!

  21. Juliana,

    Your screen name is whatever name you use when you post comments here. It's just for identification purposes; all the excerpts will be posted anonymously.

    Welcome to the blog! :)

  22. I've actually used the end of a chapter-length could have been Chapter One...does that count?

  23. Thanks! You said that if we do not receive email confirmation you did not receive it. Does that mean we need to resend it? And how do we know if we submitted ours in before 50 submissions? Sorry for all the questions, just extremely excited and nervous.

  24. Oops, nevermind, I just saw the part where you said it's pretty much open-ended. I've been watching for the submission call since you gave the heads up. :)

  25. I didn't go with the majority and pick my third chapter, but it obviously worked because I have been informed I am Post 10. Thank you Authoress, looking forward to this!

  26. This was a great exercise. I didn't realize how many of my chapters end with dialogue. That is definitely something I will have to go back and work on.

  27. Much fun, and I actually found something and remembered to send it on time. :P

    I debated between the end of ch 1, 3, and half a dozen others, but randomly picked a later chapter because I liked it. Also, I didn't have to constantly censor my MC's swearing. Yes, I think he has a problem... :P

    Looking forward to critting.


  28. I noticed that it says no secret agent, no prizes, no cut-off, and no pressure. So is this different than the Secret Agent: Are You Hooked contest? Is this one just a critique post? Thanks!

  29. Yes, this is a group critique. It's one of the reasons everyone's writing around here is getting stronger. :)

  30. Works for me! Every little piece of advice helps somewhere in the process of writing!

  31. Stupid question. By screen name do you mean, blogger name or email address?

  32. I chose the end of chapter 59. I've always liked this scene.

  33. I'm so glad I actually get to participate this time! Whee!!! I submitted the end of the last chapter I finished writing yesterday. It's the roughest thing I have so it could obviously benefit the most from critique. It's also close to the end of the book. Thanks in advance for your help!

  34. Well, I did it. I sent in chapter 2. I mean the end of chapter 2.

    Thanks, Authoress! I look forward to reading what others have, too.
