
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Heads Up For Next Week's Fun

It's about time we've had another in-house crit fest, don't you think? So there will be a call for submissions on Monday for a classic Drop the Needle.

Nope, you'll have to wait until Monday to know what I'm looking for. I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, we've had an onslaught of new readers and subscribers here (welcome! welcome!), so here's a brief rundown of what Drop the Needle is all about:

*Submissions consist of a 250 word excerpt from SOMEWHERE in the novel, according to what's set forth in the posted guidelines (this is not a "first page" entry).

*Submissions are excerpts from novels, COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE.

*Submissions are posted anonymously and open for critique from other blog readers.

*If you submit a 250-word excerpt, you're expected to critique at least 5 other entries (it's always give-and-take, not it's-all-about-me).

I'll post the call at 9:00 am EST on Monday, and leave the window open for 24 hours. (Please note that, if the number of submissions begins to border on the ridiculous and is threatening to rob me of every vestige of normal life, I will cut the window short. I don't know how many new blog readers will jump in.)

Please post your questions below! And I'm planning on entering this round, which always adds to the fun for me.


  1. I'm finally getting back into writing, so I'll definitely be there.

  2. Yay! At last there's something I can participate in since the SA contests are off limits for me. Can't wait to see what you come up with, Authoress! 8^)

  3. OK, this means that before I take my kids to school I open my Word Doc with my whole manuscript so I can search and find and submit before I get squeezed out by other anxious blog readers! Whew, it will be a crazy Monday morning!

  4. This is so exciting! Thank you for hosting, Authoress. You're the greatest. I hope I can get mine in during the window!

  5. I am new to your site (45 days new) and I'm excited about this. Thanks for leaving it open to "incomplete". Looking forward to Monday A.M.


  6. Well, I guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend: searching through the manuscript for the best 250 words ever written . . . by me!

    Thanks Authoress.

    Word Verification: packi

    The little elves were very 'packi' today. They were packing away chocolate covered cashews in all sorts of neat little hiding places in the hopes that Elvira would stumble upon them. They were not happy at being thwarted the last time out!

    Yes, it's bad, very, very bad, but I couldn't think of anything else this late in the day . . . and I'm still at work so I can't have a glass of wine yet!

  7. I am super new. Only a few days old.
    Thanks for the opportunity!!

  8. I'm dying to see what you pick this time, Authoress. This is my first time to participate in this crit fest, but I've learned so much from the SA contest that I can't resist to try this one out. I'll be eagerly awaiting Monday. And as soon as my kids are ready for school and preschool, you can guess where I'll be.

  9. I love reading and critiquing on Drop the Needle posts. I hope I make it through the gate. It's like the start to a horse race, when the flag goes down. It cracks me up.

    Thanks, for giving us all this fun, Authoress. (I don't get out much!)

  10. Authoress, kudos on a great site. I've been perusing all the past contests and posts. You've a wonderful blog. I look forward to participating in the future.

  11. I am a brand new reader (here via Kristen Nelson's blog) who loves your blog so far! :) Drop the Needle sounds like great fun -- thanks for leaving it open to incompletes too!

  12. I am VERY new to your blog (about a week, tee hee!) but think that everything you run seems like a lot of fun. Thanks for leaving it open to incomplete projects! I have a complete manuscript that I could find something in, but I like my current project a lot better.

    I do have a question, though: can the 250 words be the first page? I know it doesnt have to be, but is it permitted? Thanks!

  13. Welcome, Jessica!

    Actually, each "Drop the Needle" focuses on something specific, and I will announce it tomorrow. The term "drop the needle" implies that the excerpt is from somewhere in the middle of the novel. As such, we will sometimes include a short blurb to let the reader have a tiny bit of lead-in info. I won't be calling for first pages -- the "Are You Hooked?" contests are for first pages.'ll have to dig something else up this time. ;)
