
Monday, February 23, 2009

Submissions Are Now Closed

Thank you all for sending your work! I have about 15 more confirmations to mail out.

Excerpts will be posted on Wednesday and open for critique immediately.



  1. Congrats, Authoress, for being so popular. And this isn't even a secret agent contest. Just wait until next month. I'll be giggling from the sidelines at how busy you'll be.

    Can't wait to start critting.

  2. Wow... now I'm feeling a little bad for taking someone else's spot - I'm brand new around these parts...

    Hopefully I can make it up by critting like mad once you start posting.

    Thanks for the great contest. Should be fun.

  3. Goodness!

    I hope your popularity (and all the time it takes for you to keep up with it) leads to good things for you. A book deal, say. :-)

  4. Three and many more cheers for The Authoress! These contests supply more insight not only into my own writing, but other people's work as well. So, I thank you Authoress for opening my eyes even further.

  5. Oh, #%!*! I didn't get to the blog until the afternoon on Monday, Pacific time.

    And I have such a great chapter ending in my WIP!

    Double #%!*!

  6. Wow, I remember the days when there were only about 16 of us submitting a page for these games (which are not contests; we're not competing for anything). We'd be lucky to get 8 crits a piece. Now look!

  7. Bless you for doing this. I can only imagine how completely overwhelming and time consuming it must be! I think you need to hire an assistant. ;-)

    And since you get so many submissions, maybe you should have the critiquers whose last names start with A-M begin their crits from the top and those whose names start with N-Z begin their critiques at the bottom or something (and switch it up everytime). Of course everyone would be able to crit anything they wanted after they did at least three from their "name section".

    I don't know . . . just a thought. =)
