
Monday, March 23, 2009

And Our Winners Are:

This type of post has got to come under the heading of Best Ever Benevolent Fairy Godmother Type. Perhaps it's akin to what an agent feels when he calls to offer representation. Or better yet--what an agent feels when he calls his author to say, "We sold it!"

At any rate, here are Mr. Getzler's winning choices:

Honorable mentions:

1. #3 Derecho by Putney 1968

2. #21 With a Name Like Love by Tess

3. #7 Trust Network by Rick

The prize:

Mr. Getzler invites you to query him directly with the first ten pages or the first chapter of your novel, whichever is shorter--"with the promise of a non-generic response, even if negative."

Winners, please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.

The place-holders:

Third place: #30 Ghosts of Ivy House by Nikki Hootman

Second place: #6 Bad Habit by Dragonfly

The prize:

Mr. Getzler invites his third and second-place winners to submit the first 50 pages of your manuscript.

First place: #11 The Crime Sketcher Case Files by elissadcruz

The prize:

Mr. Getzler invites you to submit your full manuscript.

Winners, please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.

Congratulations, everyone! And as I say each time, everyone is a winner here. Thank you all for participating!


  1. The Crime Sketcher Case Files was my favorite, too.

    Congratulations to all the authors!

  2. Congrats to all the winners! I was excited to see that my favorite won!

  3. Congrats HMs and winners! I really enjoyed those entries.

  4. Hooray! Congrats to everyone else and thank you to Mr. Getzler for giving me third place! :)

  5. Congrats everyone! Ooooh, what's that I hear? Happy dancing?

    I wish you all the best with your prizes. Hopefully we'll hear some great news in the near future.

  6. Congratulations everyone!

  7. Yay, winners! And awesome prizes!


  8. Congratulations to all! I feel humble to get honorable mention in light of the quality of all the entries. Keep writing, everyone.

  9. Congrats to the honorable mentions and winners and thanks to the SA for agreeing to read submissions! It was very useful for me and I've already revised my first 250 words based on his and other critters' comments.

    And thanks of course to our wonderful hostess -- Authoress!

  10. Hi everyone: I wanted to thank you all for participating. It was truly a pleasure to read your material. It also was a tribute to Authoress that she has attracted such a group of intelligent, committed, *constructive* readers and writers. Many times I felt like I was merely affirming what others were saying about the pieces.

    Congratulations to the winner and runners-up, and I would love to be able to sign someone from this group.

    Good luck to all of you.


    Josh Getzler
    no longer Secret Agent

  11. Josh really is the best SA!

    I have an overwhelming feeling the Authoress will be hearing some great news soon from one of these talented writers. Okay, my paranormal skills are floundering lately, but I still have a positive feeling about this group. *big grin*

  12. Congratulation winners. Good luck with your longer submissions to Mr. Getzler!

    My prize was getting Mr.Getzler's response and the helpful crits from fellow contestants. Thank you all.

  13. Congratulations, winners! May your submissions all bring positive results and even more happiness. :)

  14. I won? Really? WOW! THANK YOU!

    Congrats to all the other HMs and winners, too. And thanks to all those who critiqued. You guys/gals are awesome!

    And a special thanks to Authoress and Mr. Getzler for such a wonderful contest.

  15. Ever had one of those days where you're chilling out and reading through your feeds, spoonful of chocolate and peanut butter held lazily on one hand, when you suddenly see the name of your novel hyperlinked and blue?

    It turns out that expletives are far more amusing when said with your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth.

    Thanks for the opportunity here and the feedback. I'll be riding on the high from the Honorable Mention for several days. Truly awesome. Wheeee!

  16. Congratulations to all the great authors, and thank you to Josh Getzler for his time and insight. My first time here, but I'll be back!
