
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Facebook Meets Authoress

Yes, I've done it. I'm now on Facebook.

To clarify: AUTHORESS is on Facebook. "I" have been on Facebook for some time now.

This could get tricky.

At any rate, feel free to friend me! You'll find me listed as Authoress McNonymous.

Ya. Silly, isn't it?

Facebook wouldn't let me sign up as "Authoress." I mustn't be a real person if I don't have a last name, right?

So I typed in "Authoress Anonymous," and Facebook didn't like that, either. Evidently, "Anonymous" doesn't cut the mustard as a surname.

So I took a Celtic twist, and voila! Authoress McNonymous was born.

I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this ball in the air, but I thought I'd give it a try.

Hope to see you on my friend list!


  1. Facebook is a scary scary place. Then again, it can be fun as well. I'm currently involved in a three way Scrabble game with some friends. It takeas a while to play, but we're having fun. I guess that's all that matters. Oh, and then there's the Bejeweled Blitz competition between some other friends and myself. Woo-hoo!

    BTW - love your last name! : )

  2. Love the new last name, Authoress.

  3. I don't have Facebook, but when I tried to check out your profile, it wouldn't let me!!!

    Why don't you know how long you'll be able to keep the ball in the air?
