
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Seven No-Responses For Contest...

...and I'm not sure what to do about this!

At the time of this posting, I still have not heard from 7 of our winning entrants. None of my email notifications bounced, and there's nothing in my spam box.

So. Hello?

If you received a "you're a winner!" notification email from me, please email your 250 word submission to me at BY 10:45 am EDT (that gives you an hour).

If there are still open slots at that point, here's what we'll do:

ALL entrants who DID NOT WIN the lottery are invited to send me your submission for the contest. I will take them IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY ARE RECEIVED until the 50 slots have been filled.

When you send your submission, please include YOUR LOTTERY NUMBER in the subject line, so I can verify that you were, indeed, one of the original entrants.

Okay? That's the best I can do.

My profound apologies!


  1. Well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, Authoress!

    Sounds perfectly fair if winners don't respond ... though you have to wonder why they wouldn't want to, seeing as how quickly your inbox has filled up in the past pre-lottery guidelines.

    I'm with Being Beth (from Twitter), perhaps you can include 5-10 backup winners, just in case, for future lotteries? May help save some time.

  2. I think the back up names is a great idea. Would certainly make things easier for you, Authoress.
