
Monday, August 24, 2009

And The Winners Are:

Here comes the fun part! (Well, okay, it's all pretty fun...)

The winners of this month's Secret Agent contest are as follow:

2nd runner-up:

#47 Mary Mary by Eliza Dolittle

The prize: Ms. Alspaugh requests your query and the first 30 pages of your manuscript.

1st runner-up:

#6 Heart's Sentinel by pjschnyder

The prize: Ms. Alspaugh requests your query and the first 30 pages of your manuscript.

Third Place Winner:

#7 Sapphire Stars by Flighty Temptress

The prize: Ms. Alspaugh requests your query and the first 50 pages of your manuscript.

Second Place Winner:

#21 A Kestrel Rising by Firedrake

The prize: Ms. Alspaugh requests your query and the first 100 pages of your manuscript.

First Place Winner:

#28 Light Bringers by Rosepddle

The Prize: Ms. Alspaugh requests your query and full manuscript.

TO ALL WINNERS: Please email me at facelesswords(at) for submission instructions.

Congratulations, everyone!


  1. Congrats to all winners! Great choices :)

  2. Congrats to everyone and thank you for the great feedback!

  3. AWESOME! Thank you so much to Ms Alspaugh and to you too Authoress. Congrats to all the winners. and all those who left feedback. I really appreciated it!

  4. Wow! I'd like to add my thanks to Ms. Alspaugh and to the wonderful Authoress. I was blown away by the comments I received for 'A Kestrel Rising'.
    Congrats to all the winners and thanks for everyone's comments.


  5. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to Ms. Alspaugh and Authoress for the contest.

  6. Congrats to all. There were so many good ones this time around. For those of you who didn't win- keep querying.

  7. Congrats to the winners!

    It was really helpful to read the advice from the very generous agent this month and also I saw Jodi Meadows doing crits as well!!! So much to think about and digest in their comments.

    I sat this one out as I am back to the old drawing board with my submissions, but it was still a very useful experience to read the subs and crits. Thanks again to Miss Snark!

    Miss Aspirant

  8. That would be Miss Snark's First Victim -- Authoress!!!


  9. Thank's so much, Authoress and Ms. Alspaugh! I got a lot out of all the comments, both on my excerpt and on other's.

    Now excuse me while I go faint again.

  10. Congratulations to all the winners! And to Authoress, what a great website you have!

  11. Congratuations to the winners! They were all well deserving of your attention.

    As to the awesome Ms Alspaugh, thank you for your time and your thoughtful detailed critiques. They were amazing. I appreciated the obvious time and effort that you put into this contest.

    Come back again, please?

    May the publishing houses all see your wonderful sharp eye!

  12. I just re-read your selections. They are awesome. I hope you fall in love with all their manuscripts!
    And to the winners, I hope she decides to represent ALL OF YOU!

    Thank you again.

  13. CONGRATS to all the winners! :D

  14. Congrats to all the winners! I hope she offers to represent all of you.

  15. Congratulations winners and thank you Authoress for the contest.
    The worthy comments apply to other generes, too. After scrapping three pages of my novel, those middle graders will have tingling spines on the first page. (first page!)
    Thank you Emmanuelle Alspaugh for sharing your time. Hope to have you back again.

  16. Whoo-Hoo! Congrats to everyone. How exciting.

  17. Congratulations to the other winners and the best of luck to everyone at finding the right agent for their work! Thanks to Ms. Alspaugh for taking the time to read all the entries. I have learned so much over the past week, and the comments I received were insightful and constructive - I am going through my novel again!, trying to read it through your sharp eyes. What a great community of people this blog draws! Thanks guys! Finally, Hats off to the wonderful Authoress for all the work she must put into this (whew!). Can't thank you enough!

  18. Yay to all the winners! I can't wait until I have a completed MS to submit to the harsh and wondrous reality that is Secret Agent-dom!
