
Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Fricassee

I'm going to save the comments from my last post into a document and print them out.

They're amazing. You're amazing.

And as a direct result of your group encouragement, I had a plot break-through yesterday. Oh, yes! Mind you, I'll still plodding through at a rate of about five lines per day. But WOW! The discouragement is gone.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Next week: Submission guidelines for our next SECRET AGENT: ARE YOU HOOKED? contest. I know, I know--it's coming close on the tail of our last one. I allow our Secret Agents to choose the dates that work best for them, and these two happened to fall a little closer together. That's okay, though, because they encompass some different genres.

That's it for now; stayed tuned and keep writing. And...thanks for coming here. This place is almost magical sometimes.


  1. Glad to hear about your plot break-through. Write on, sister!

    Have a great day!

  2. Yahoo! Plot break-throughs feel great, don't they?

  3. Is the Contest going to be this coming week, or the week after?

    *I know I get confused easily* ;P

  4. Glad you had a plot break through, hope it continues over the weekend.

    And thanks for blogging here, I've leaned a lot :)

  5. Congrats on the breakthrough! And, thanks for having us. This place is indeed sometimes magical.;-)

  6. Glad you had a breakthrough! See, you asked, and the magic happened... that's how to break the block.

    The contests are great. A hope sci-fi/fantasy is coming up soon, but if not, I'll keep waiting.

  7. Hey,

    I ended up doing some crazy plotting last night, too. I think the comments here might have made us all feel a little better about plotting.


  8. Okay, this is a test post -- practicing for the Secret Agent contest to see if my italics will show up... if the contest includes my genre.

    You've got an awesome site.

  9. Just a question, I noticed with some SA entries, the paragraphs end up something like this.

    Where the sentence just suddenly chops
    down like this and it is hard to read.

    How can we prevent that?

  10. Congrats on taming that pesky plot.
    Your site and readers comments, priceless!

  11. "Just a question, I noticed with some SA entries, the paragraphs end up something like this...
    Where the sentence just suddenly chops down like this and it is hard to read... How can we prevent that?"

    I'm interested in this question, too. Thanks for bringing it up.

    The first 250 words of my opening end in mid-sentence. I could end it at 245 words -- and omit something good -- or include the rest of the sentence so it runs to 265 words and violates the rules.

    I did a little editing so ir comes out to 250 words. However, I like the original version better.

    Help, please!

  12. Anonymous said...
    "Just a question, I noticed with some SA entries, the paragraphs end up something like this.

    Where the sentence just suddenly chops
    down like this and it is hard to read.

    How can we prevent that?"

    Type or paste your entry.
    Then hit the PREVIEW button.
    Scroll down, and in the pink shaded area you will see what the entry will look like.
    If you want to make changes, scroll just below, edit, and HIT PREVIEW AGAIN.
    If it looks okay, post it!

  13. Anonymous, correct my post above. Authoress wants the entries EMAILED to her, not posted on the site.

    So, you can post your entry,
    hit the PREVIEW button,
    make corrections,
    PREVIEW AGAIN to be sure the corrections took,
    copy it to your email and send to Authoress,
    and delete off the site without posting it.

    This way you can see what the entry looks like without posting it.

    Hope that makes sense. Maybe there is an easier way, but this is my road.
