
Monday, September 14, 2009

And The Winner Is:

Ms. Clark has chosen the following entry as the WINNER of this month's SECRET AGENT contest:

#47 - The Paper Gods by Lianne

The prize:

Ms. Clark requests that you send the first 50 pages of your manuscripts. Please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.



  1. Congrats, Lianne!!

    Thanks for the contest, Authoress.

  2. Congrats, Lianne!

    I am a little surprised that there were no 2nd, 3rd, or runner's up, but I'm sure Ginger is already LOADED with submissions.

    It was fun and a great opportunity to get feedback from our secret agent and other authors!

    Thank you Ginger and Authoress!

    Good luck, everyone, with your mission for representation! I took everyone's comments to heart and shortened the news in my first page. (#12)

    I'll be sending out queries today!

  3. I think the other agents were probably swamped as well- all the good ones are. I'm not slamming Ms. Clark, but I think it was a bit startling that there was little in the way of comments on all the submissions (one of the reasons I read them :)) and then only one person?
    I really appreciate all the work the Authoress and these agents do, but this round wasn't as helpful as past ones. Just IMHO.

    Good luck to all the authors who submitted though- there were some great first pages!

  4. Congratulations, Lianne. May it turn into more than a look-see!

  5. I agree, most agents add advice or comments, not just "I wouldn't read further". Did not like this one.

  6. I didn't enter this round, but it was still a fun, learning experience. Thanks Authoress. Congrats, Lianne. Good luck

  7. Good luck Lianne. I'm sure we'll see Poetry on the book shelves very soon!

  8. Congrats to Lianne!

    (I've been there with the button problem and Wish I had the spunk Poetry had. ;) )

  9. Congratulations, Lianne! Your first 250 were great.

    Thank you Authoress and Ms. Clark for all your work and time. I enjoyed entering and learned a great deal.

  10. Congrats, Lianne! I was a silent lurker, and enjoyed everything. Thanks for the opportunity Authoress and Ginger!

  11. Congrats, Lianne! Wish you the best.

    Many thanks to Ginger Clark. As a bystander, I definitely appreciate her offering her time to go through the entries and offer comments she did, showing what worked for her and what didn't.

    I also think that there's a hint out there for the others who got positive comments from Ginger to go ahead a query her and mention this contest. ;)

  12. Congratulations, Lianne and good luck!

    Thanks, yet again to Authoress for the competition and to Ms.Clark for reading through every entry.

    Catherine makes a good point there, re the hint!

  13. Are we allowed to query her? Have others done this in the past with positive results?

  14. I don't know about positive results... that is up to your query, I think.

    But at least you know that she's the right person to direct your query to.

  15. Congrats, Lianne!

    Thanks for putting on the contest, Authoress! It was a great experience. :)

  16. I received a positive comment from Ginger, but I already queried her 10 days ago!

    Talk about irony! LOL

    Haven't received a reply, but at least I know she would have kept reading.


  17. Congrats Lianne :).

    This was very...interesting :). Thanks Authoress for doing this and all the folks who gave feedback :).

    (I was #6- Warrior Wench ;))

  18. Congrats Lianne!

    I was one of the "I've already requested and read more" people so I obviously won't be sending a query, LOL! Anyone who got an "I would read on" should definitely send a query her way! What's the harm?

  19. Congrats Lianne! Ginger is a winner, all the way. Good luck. :)

  20. Thanks everyone! This is such a great community. And especial thanks to Ms. Clark and to Authoress for putting all this together.

  21. A huge congratulations to Lianne!

    But to everyone else: please don't assume that not being chosen reflects badly on your work - or suggests you'll have trouble getting representation.

    One of the entrants in this contest submitted to three excellent agents early this month; the week of the contest all requested fulls, and two of the three have offered representation.

    And I suspect her novel will sell very, very well.

    So please don't take not being selected here as a rejection - some of these entries showed great promise.

  22. Baring bosoms for mid-graders? My God.

  23. Congratulations and good luck Lianne

  24. If it's any comfort to you, Anonymous, it's upper mid-grade, more for the 10-14 crowd than the 8-12 crowd. And that's the only bosom-baring in the book, I promise.

  25. GINGER CLARK!!!! Fantastic! I think she is simply incredible. Congrats to the goddess Authoress for another successful contest and best wishes to the winners and those for whom she replied that she would read on.
