
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bits and Bobs

I'm chomping on cajun-seasoned nachos and enjoying the freedom of a secret-agentless blog.

I know you understand. Love the contests, love a break from the contests.

At any rate, I wanted to let you know that:
  • we're going to have a couple of 1000-word critiques tomorrow, and
  • I'll be announcing a Very Fun Christmas Contest with Cool Prize next week!
Also, I'm compiling (and have been for some time) a wonderful collection of "celebrations and good news". So if ANYTHING good has happened to you as a direct result of this blog, please email your happies to me at facelesswords(at)

"Happies" include, but are not limited to:
  • Positive results on your query letter (particularly after reading AGENT: DEMYSTIFIED)
  • Request for material from agent after feedback on the blog
  • Representation from an agent after feedback on the blog
  • Representation from a SECRET AGENT after winning a contest
  • Book deal after feedback on the blog
  • Book deal, period!
  • Any quantifiable improvement in your writing, boost in your morale, infusion of encouragement you've received as a fellow aspiring author. It's ALL GOOD!
And that's that. Back to my nachos (which, admittedly, aren't sitting too well...)


  1. I'm glad you are relaxing, you deserve it.

    I think you're in the 30s for the 1000 words, is that right? Do you have a solid queue of them from 30 to 50, or have some dropped out? I noticed that your last post was 31 and 33.

    I'm not coming up for a while, but I definitely want to update my entry.

  2. Anon,

    Some were redacted, some were withdrawn because they entered a SA contest and then re-entered the 1000-words as per the rules.

    So yes, there are numbers missing here and there. =)
