
Monday, November 23, 2009

Our Very Special Christmas Contest!

I promised you some holiday fun, so here it is!

Lauren MacLeod of the Strothman Agency has graciously agreed to team up with me for our first annual WRITERLY CHRISTMAS LYRICS CONTEST.

Actually, Lauren came up with the idea herself. So I roped her right in.

Here's the deal: On Monday, December 7, you will be invited to set your best writing advice/jokes/impressions to holiday tunes.

Here's Lauren's brilliant example:

Joy to the world, my manuscript is done!
Let agents finally see this beast;
let every inbox prepare it room,
And, dear God, let the query sing,
Please, God, let the query sing
Oh god, dear God, let the query sing.

(And you thought she only agented. Pheh.)

  • When the contest blog post appears, you may enter your masterpiece IN THE COMMENT BOX.
  • Absolutely no emails, please. Comment box only.
  • Please do not enter more than TWO masterpieces.
  • Please use a screen name by which you will be EASILY IDENTIFIABLE. "Anonymous" simply doesn't cut it. Especially if there are more than one.
  • Lewd entries will be deleted. But you wouldn't do that, anyway.
  • Your masterpiece should be an ORIGINAL set of lyrics that go along with a CHRISTMAS CAROL OR SONG. Please include the TITLE of the Christmas tune so that we can all sing along.
The contest will open at 8:00 am EST on Monday, December 7, and will close at 8:00 am EST on Wednesday, December 9. Comments will then be closed.


Lauren MacLeod will call you on your cell phone and SING your masterpiece--live!

Not really.


Lauren MacLeod will CRITIQUE THE QUERY LETTER of the person whose entry she deems Best Of All.

The winner will be announced on Thursday, December 10.

How's that for holiday happiness? It's no secret that I adore Lauren MacLeod; believe me when I say that her feedback on your query letter will probably be the best Christmas present you could ask for.

Oh. You might want to skip entering if you don't have a polished query letter. It would look kinda silly if you won. Yanno?

That's it! Post your questions below; I'll get to them as quickly as I can.


  1. I'd rather have Lauren call and sing for me.

  2. *snurks* This sounds fun. I know just the song to use too. :)

  3. Too much fun! Count me in. Thanks,Lauren and Authoress.

  4. hahahaha how awesome! thanks for the holiday cheer :)

  5. Oh, I suck at writing songs. :( That's why my rock star dreams never panned out (among other reasons).

    I can't wait to read the entries. They were hilarious last year.

  6. Okay, I checked last year's Christmas Fun and there were 7 entries. I think you might get a couple more this year.

    Can't wait.

  7. Please clarfiy: Are we supposed to enter lyrics to a designated holiday song AND a query letter, or just the lyrics only (and the winner will get to send the query letter to Lauren MacLeod at another time)?

    - Just Wondering

  8. Just submit the lyrics in the comment box. The winner will receive query submission instructions privately via email.

  9. I just KNOW I'll forget. I'm still a week early.
    Oh Bah Humbug!

  10. sounds like great fun! I have it on my calendar and hope to post 2 songs, so had a question: should the two songs be posted as two separate comments or one?

  11. Good question! 2 separate comments, please.
