
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Drop the Needle: Day One

Since submissions filled up the first day, there's no reason to wait to begin our crits. This is the fun part, yes? So I'm going to post the first portion of them today.


  • ALL ENTRANTS: Please critique a minimum of 5 entries. A good approach: Critique the two entries before and the two entries after your own, plus one other. If everyone does this, it'll ensure a more even crit distribution.
  • Please don't post under "Anonymous." Choose option #3 in the comment box (Name/URL) and choose a screen name by which you can be easily identified.
  • Authors: RESIST THE URGE TO COMMENT ON YOUR CRITIQUES! This is not the time to explain, clarify, defend. Read the comments, take what is helpful, leave the rest.
  • Enjoy! It's wonderful to share our creative processes and grow together toward our writing goals. This is a peek inside the brains of our colleagues! So let's have fun.
Posts will be up a little later. Keep a weather eye!


  1. Yay (looks nervous). I promise I won't comment (have been guilty in the past). And I'm looking forward to reading and commenting everyone else's snippet. :)
