
Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Fricassee

I've been a woman of few words this week, haven't I?

Not really, though. I've been pushing hard on my WIP. That's where my word quota's gone.

So. Are you ready to delight in the holiday season? Do you allow yourself "special writing time" once the hoohah of preparation has died down? Plenty of quiet-space-by-the-tree? Candlelight? Time to reflect on the blessings of the year and think about next year's goals?

Share! And I'll see you Monday for our WRITERLY CHRISTMAS CONTEST!


  1. The tree is up and the house nicely decorated. Christmas music plays as often as possible. I still have to make the fudge and the secret family cookies, but I am finding time to write. In fact, for the first time ever, I actually did an outline of a project - a loose outline, but still an outline - and have a glorious map to follow whenever I get around to having enough time to devote to the rough draft of the project. Now . . . someone pass the eggnog please, and add a shot of whiskey!! Woo-hoo!

  2. Well, Thanksgiving week was a bit of a bust for me (writing-wise), but I'm getting a jump on Christmas gift and wrapping this year--so I hope to have time to keep up the momentum with my writing.

  3. I tend to make December an "easy" writing month to let my brain recharge after NaNoWriMo. I'm sending out a few short story/poetry submissions, but I'm mostly focusing on editing older works, reading and research, and trying to figure out how to fill some major plot holes in my new manuscript. Oh yeah, and writing in Christmas cards.

    For example, I've spent the past 30 minutes reading up on EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) for a plot point, and I need to redo a chapter outline. Piddly but necessary stuff.

  4. I'm going away for two weeks after Christmas, but I've also taken off the week before just to write. I'm like Heather, trying to get all the Christmas stuff done earlier so during that week I can just concentrate on writing.

  5. If I Santa brings my son a computer - or me a notebook - I'll have all the writing space I need.


  6. Gosh, I'm rushing to and fro just trying to keep it all straight. I got editing, writing blog posts and a ton of research that I have to do. I'll be moving at the speed of light just to wrap up my projects before 2010! Before I had a schedule, but now I’m writing morning, noon or night. The year is slipping away and before I know it, I’ll blink and it’ll be 2010!
