
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Quietly Speechless

It isn't often I stare at an empty Blogger screen. Words are usually right there, ready to flow.


I guess "thanks" is enough. I'm blown away by the outpouring of support and affection. You've always been supportive, so it's not as though I'm shocked. It's the just level of support, the passionate outpourings.


I do want to clarify that I don't believe anyone was tweeting out of jealousy or malice. And that I don't have any hard feelings, angst, or any such poo.

It probably sounds ridiculously gooey, but I love this community. Like a mother hen with scads of invisible chicks. Except, I don't have to "mother" you. We're all in this together.

So. Thank you. For all that you've received in participating here, please know that you have also given. I haven't felt this affirmed in a long time.

**group hug**


  1. I want in on the hug.

    Thanks again, Authoress, for opening your metaphorical house to all of us. I've learned much from hanging out with this group.

  2. I'm glad I got to see your entertaining video before you removed it. I'm also glad you're feeling better.

  3. Big hugs back! You give us so much. Others may just be jealous of your following. Hold on to that affirmed feeling - I know I will, too.

  4. You're more famous than you know, as this line from Kate Morton's The Forgotten Garden states: The lady was called the Authoress and she lived in the little cottage on the far side of the estate, beyond the maze.

    Who knew you'd made it in to a work of fiction? Oh, did I mention the Authoress is a . . . writer?


  5. I may a bit late to the party here, so I'm not totally aware of what's happened. I'm getting the sense that someone has attacked you. If that's the case, they've obviously taken on a whole army of supporters, me among them (is that grammatically correct?) who point our keyboard weary editing fingers and say "Shame on you for saying anything negative about our heroin."

    I'm behind you 100%, and grateful for all you do.

  6. I love your blog and read it avidly! Forget all those other stinkers!*

    *Do you like my word choice? I just think it's funny that you used "poo" on your blog! Anyone who can work that in casually is a rockstar! Okay, I'm thinking like a five year old!

  7. Oof. Someone in the group was squeezing a bit too hard. ;-)

    Thanks again for all you do for us. We'd be floating in cyberspace forever if we didn't have this blog to anchor us. =D

  8. I got to see your entertaining video before you removed it. I'm also glad you're feeling better.

    Work from home India
