
Thursday, March 25, 2010

100 Fantasy

TITLE: Loyalty & Duty
GENRE: Fantasy

Face to face with his king, Sym hesitated. Did he still have the Royal Fist’s privilege of not having to bow? He didn’t dare speculate.


  1. Partial hook -- might remove 'The Royal Fist' but I know there's more room for nomenclature introduction in fantasy.

  2. Hmm, weak hook. I'd read a few more sentences before giving up (and I wonder if "Fist" should be "First" and hope it shouldn't - "Fist" is more intriguing). The conflict presented is clear, but it's etiquette related and not a strong interest for me.

  3. The first sentence 'face to face with his king' hooked me, but I agree with the others about the rest. I would continue reading, but barely.

  4. Hooked enough to read the first chapter or so. Most traditional fantasy doesn't grab me, but this looks promising. I like the idea of the Royal Fist.

  5. Hooked. I'd read more but by the title alone I'd expect it to be epic fantasy with lots of fightings and war. So I'd probably quit after a bit.

  6. Hooked. I'd read on, but I'm intrigued at why he might not have the privilege any more.
