
Thursday, March 25, 2010

142 Paranormal Romance

TITLE: Lost and Found
GENRE: Paranormal Romance

Josie had never actually been in jail before, but behind bars at the Battle Creek Humane Society had to be pretty darn close.


  1. I chuckled. Pretty close to being hooked, but I'll be disappointed if Josie is a dog or a cat.

  2. Total hook. =] If I were reading the book, I'd have just grinned and settled deeper into the couch cushions.

  3. I'm British so I don't really understand what a Humane Society is. A dog's home? Like the sharp tone though.

  4. Somewhat hooked. Got a sense of tone immediately, which is good.

  5. Like the voice and am intrigued, but not quite hooked. I'd read a page or two and then decide. (I'm like that a lot.)

  6. not completely hooked, but interested enough to read a few more paragraphs

  7. I would definitely keep reading.

  8. Close, just not quite there. Would read more though.

  9. Ha! I'd read on. One small tweak to the sentence - I feel like you need something between "but" and "between." The grammar was clunky to me.

    Josie had never actually GONE TO jail before, but BEING behind bars at the Battle Creek Humane Society had to be pretty darn close.

    (or something. see what I mean?)

  10. The second part of the sentence needed a verb eg 'being' for this to read right for me.

    Strong images, but would animal shelter be more universally understood than humane society?
