
Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Fricassee

So the billion dollar question is: Did you like the 50-word excerpts better than the 25-word? Honestly, I'll probably continue to do both. But popular opinion will certainly sway me. *grin*

Confession: Our system needed more testing to work out some newly emerged kinks, so I had to do the contest by hand. (One automated contest and I'm completely spoiled already!) Kudos to Michael the Magnificent for continuing to dig in and make this system as nearly perfect as possible.

Thanks, as always, for your upbeatness and wonderfulness-to-work-withness. I hated the too-large number of people who received auto-rejects (thanks to gmail's vacation mode and Michael's brilliant suggestion that I, yanno, use it). I really do hate turning people away.

On the dance-with-me front: I hit 50,000 words yesterday! That's two-thirds of this brand-new, boy-is-this-ever-going-to-need-a-blood-inducing-edit novel. Feels awesome!

And yes, tomorrow is my birthday. I have promised myself that I WILL NOT WRITE TOMORROW. Hold me to it, will you? The longer I've written, the more driven I've become. I normally write on Saturdays, but, dad-gummit, I need to walk away and breathe for a while.

That, and enjoy the WONDERFUL PEDICURE SPA that 5 delightful women bestowed upon me. (Oh, yes. They all write and they all read this blog.) I'll tell you all about it on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Happy Birthday! (I typed that in magical font so it won't appear until tomorrow - did it work? Oh no! The HTML tag is too complex. *sigh*) Happy *early* Birthday!
    Anywho, I liked the 50 word edit, but I think I liked the 25 word edit more. They're both a lot of fun, though. :)

  2. Happy birthday from me, too, and congratulations for hitting 50,000 words! That's a real accomplishment.

    Hey, 50 words, 25 words, they're both good. Thanks for running these crits. I entered this one and received a great suggestion.

  3. This is one of the most informative devices yet, the critiquing is precise and focused on the 50-word submissions.

    In other words, Love IT!

    And anyone who can say ‘dad-gummit’ and make me laugh before I have had my coffee in the morning has got to be a genius.

    Congrats on the word count and soon-to-be Happy Birthday.

  4. Enjoy your Birthday!!

    Thanks for running the 50 words. I entered and received wonderful encouragement and suggestions. I hadn't known about the 25 words but I'm sure it was great too.

  5. Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your day of pampering. :)

  6. Happy birthday! Have a wonderful week-end.

  7. Congrats on the 50k and happy birthday!! Have some champagne and cake!

  8. Happy Birthday! And DON'T GIVE IN! Stick to you guns to NOT write! :)

    I haven't done the 25-word one. Fifty was good.

  9. Happy Birthday! Your drive is great. I wish I had to convince myself not to write!

  10. Have a fantastic birthday, and congratulations on the word count!

  11. So loved the contest. Got great feedback and already made a tweak in opening. And, wow, incredible talent out there. Good luck to everyone!

    And happy birthday to you! (Sings song and dances)

  12. I felt like I got a better sense of the beginning from 50 words. It was easier - in most cases - to know if I was hooked or not.

    I know you haven't asked for suggestions, but what about doing first line instead of 25 words? Just a thought that sprang up for me right now. First lines can be very tricky. (I haven't followed you long enough to know if you have already done this)

  13. Hsppy Birthday!

    Taking the day off to recharge those creative batteries is very important. A day at the spa sounds like a great way to recharge.

  14. Happy birthday! And congrats on the 50k!

    If regards to the critiques, I prefer the 50 words. Thanks again, Authoress and Michael the Magnificent!

  15. Happy Birthday tomorrow :) Enjoy your spa day! Remember to spoil yourself all day.

  16. Happy birthday, Authoress! And I'm going to cast my vote for the 50-word excerpts. I just like having a few more words to work with when I'm trying to give someone constructive criticism.

  17. Happy Birthday!

    25 words seemed too short to be effective, but I really, really liked the 50-word critiques.

    50 words is probably about how much I read before deciding to put something down in the bookstore.

  18. Happy Birthday! And I'm so happy to hear about your pedicure spa day. :)

    I just hit 42,000 words of my "needs an edit badly" novel - it feels good to clip along, but you're right - take a break! My manic mind started thinking about how much faster I could write while recovering from surgery since I won't have to take care of the kids. I can't decide if that's brilliant, or crazy. ;)

  19. Happy birthday!

    Given a choice, I would go for 50 words over 25, or otherwise first paragraph (if that's possible with your submission system).

    Or for your next one, you could do first 100 words. Just to be different.

  20. I hope you have a lovely birthday! Hey, if you get the urge to write, write...If you don't, don't. Just enjoy the day. :)

  21. I enjoyed both 25- and 50-word edits. Although...I tried to hard with the 50-worder, and failed in epic fashion (confirmed by the very fair and astute crits I received; in fact I figured out what they would say before reading any!).

    That said...I can't wait for the next one, just to see how well I learned my lessons. Twenty-five or fifty: Bring it on!

    Congrats again on the 50K mark, as well as the new Life Chapter that starts tomorrow :)

  22. Happy Birthday, Authoress!

    It's really good to take a day away from writing, even though it's hard. I often find things with my fresh eyes that I'd missed while immersed in the story.

    Have an awesome day!

  23. Happy birthday, happy 50K; 50 words is better, and pedicure spas are best.

    Even if you don't write on paper, I bet you'll still be writing in your head. It's what writers do, dad-gummit.

    Best, best wishes.

  24. Happy birthday! And yay for 50k :)

  25. Happy birthday! I'd sing, but I'm a really bad singer (as my kids have finally clued in).

    My vote is for 50 words. :D

  26. Have a wonderful Birthday Authoress!! You sooo deserve it!

  27. Happy birthday! Well done on reaching 50K! I reached 50K myself, not too long ago, so I know how you feel!

  28. I hope you had a great birthday weekend!

  29. Happy belated birthday, Authoress. I hope it was a good one.

  30. AWWWW Happy belated birthday (our b-day are two days apart--Taurus girls)!!
