
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pink Toes!

The results of a full pedicure spa, including exfoliating rub, hot whirlpool, massage, and pink toes. Color's name? ITALIAN LOVE AFFAIR. I bought a bottle totally on account of the name.

Because I never paint my toenails.


  1. Beautiful! My feet need an exfoliation...

  2. Isn't pink a wonderful color? It's one of my favorites. :) After orange, of course.

  3. AHHH Those are some ADORABLE TOESIES! LOVE it!

  4. Freaking A! Totally awesome. Love the LOVE AFFAIR! :)

  5. Great looking feet. I HATE my feet. I never wear any open toe shoes. I swear my toes look like ET heads. And like my second one (beside the big toe) is soooo much longer. One time, I tried on a sandal and my second toe like totally went over the edge and the guy (yes, it had to be a man!) couldn't keep from laughing. I mean I totally don't think I pulled on my toes or did anything to make them this way when I was a baby or growing up. They just plain suck. I so admire people who have pretty feet and who can wear gorgeous shoes. Me, I look like I wear grandma shoes in the summer. I know I just need to embrace my feet and get over it, but I totally tried and can't. Uugh. Well, most of the time they are covered up anyway. Sigh!

  6. Buffy~If it makes you feel any better, someone once told me if the toe (next to the big one) is longer than the big one then you possess super intelligence. I'm not into palm (or toe) reading, but every person I've met who fit that bill has been super intelligent.

  7. Love you toes. Makes me want to get one now.

  8. Yeah, that's it Tricia. I'm smart. (smiles) Seriously, I don't know about that but if I have to deal with ugly feet I ought to get something else that's good, right?
    And if I'm at the beach where I do wear flip-flops, I imagine everyone staring at my feet. It probably goes back to that guy laughing, because before that it totally wasn't such a big deal. He scarred me for life. Hey, I think I could write an entire book about feet. Jeez. Along with all of my other OCD stuff, it could be a good book. If you want a good laugh, check out the OCD posts on my blog. My columns, however, show another side of me I think. Anyway, gotta pull my staff together for a meeting. And my reporters and editors all know how much I hate my feet, too.

  9. Very nice! I think those Italian Love Affair tootsies deserve a new pair of stilettos :)

  10. Your toes look lovely! I'll bet it was an OPI polish...They have the best names.

    Buffy--Do you know the guys name? I can send someone to give him a (ahem) good talking to. OMGoodness you are brilliant!

  11. Very nice, I suppose, but not really my preferred genre. A female thing, no doubt?


  12. That is a great name! I always pick paint colors based on names. I once loved a yellow that seemed to me like the hills of Sonoma in autumn; but it was called Hubbard Squash and I intended it for my bedroom- no way I was putting squash in my bedroom.

    Maybe that's a writer-thing.
