
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Call For Submissions: A Mini "Are You Hooked"

Okay! We've just wrapped up another awesome Secret Agent contest that focused solely on children's fiction. And I don't want all you writers of adult fiction to pine away during the month of June, which is (purposefully) free of Secret Agents.

So. Beginning THIRTY MINUTES FROM NOW, I'm opening submissions for an in-house critique session for ADULT FICTION ONLY!

Submission guidelines:

  • Submit the first 250 words of your manuscript, COMPLETED OR NOT (but at the very least carefully proofread!).
  • Submissions will be open from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm EDT or until 15 entries have been received, whichever comes first.
  • All genres of adult fiction EXCEPT EROTICA will be accepted.
  • As always, please use the following format:
SCREEN NAME: Your Screen Name Here
TITLE: Your Title Here
GENRE: Your Genre Here

(Followed by the excerpt here.)

* No "chapter one," chapter titles, etc.
* Submissions go to authoress.submissions(at) They DO NOT GO to my facelesswords address. Or any other address.

The 15 excerpts will begin posting at 2:00 pm EDT today!

Post your questions below.


  1. I got an email back saying I didn't put the Screen Name, Title, Genre part in at the top but I did. Is there something I'm missing about this?

  2. Nevermind - I tried again and it work this time.

  3. The end of my submission seems to have been cut off by gmail :(

    I think it only sent across 180 or so words. Can I do anything to fix it?

    Don't hate me, this is my first try!

    Post 14

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. David,

    Send your revision request to me at with "Post 14" in the subject line. I will fix it by hand.

    Margaret, submissions are now closed. Without seeing your submission, I don't know why your word count was off, but my guess is that it was gobbledy-gook from HTML or rich text. In future, send your submissions in plain text, just to be on the safe side. :)

  6. Thanks for your response. I figured it out - just a little too late. Until next time!

  7. Margaret -- If you read this before 2 pm EDT, please email your entry to me at I've had to redact one of the other entries because it wasn't adult fiction. I will give you that slot if I receive your submission in time.

  8. Great idea, Authoress! I'll look forward to checking these out.

  9. Gah! Forgot all about this. Can't wait to read the entries...even though mine won't be one of 'em. ;)
