
Monday, May 17, 2010

Submissions Are Now Closed

For real.

I AM SO SORRY!! Wow, did I ever mess up this round.


When I reset the contest to accept more entries beginning at 7:00 PM EDT, I forgot to change the maximum entry number from 25 to 50. So when folks started submitting right at 7:00, they all got "CONTEST IS FULL" rejection emails.

Oy! Hopefully most of you got my frantic posts and tweets and were able to resubmit.

Have I mentioned that I'm sorry?

Now you see why it's safer for me to have ONE submission window. I'm multi-window challenged!

Sipping wine now. Thank you all for being so PATIENT AND KIND during all that!


  1. Dear Existing 47,

    I'm sorry; your entry has been disqualified for the following reason: It looks
    like you tried to reply to the contest address. Unfortunately, this is only for
    automated submissions.

    I received this message twice. COuld you please explain? Thanks. SHelley

  2. Yes! If your subject line has RE: in the beginning, the bot reads it as a reply. Since the authoress.submissions email address is set up to NOT receive replies (because they could accidentally be posted as entries!), any submission with RE: in the subject line will receive the above rejection message.

    There is still an opening for a second alternate spot, if you want to try again!

  3. I'm game! NO subject line!! Got it.

  4. Just wanted to say thanks for getting us past the confusion! Enjoy your glass of wine, or two. You deserve them. And a box of chocolates.

  5. THANKS! You didn't have to do that!

  6. I'm studying all the comments and posts for the next few months. Hopefully I'll have everything figured out by the time I try to enter in September (assuming it's my genre then). :D

    Thanks, Authoress, for all the hard working you're doing for everyone.

  7. Heehee, I guess it wasn't meant to be for me. Kept trying to send in, then went to bed thinking it was closed, and woke up to find out I still could have made it in if I had stayed up. I think the powers-that-be are trying to tell me this won't be my agent after all, lol.

    Still, good luck to everyone who made it in (and yes, I'll try next month). I look forward to critiquing.

    Thanks, Authoress, for the hard work you put into this. :)

  8. Oh, this clears it up, thanks for letting us know! I submitted exactly at noon EDT and got a "sorry, we're full" message. I did wonder about that, especially when I saw you tweeting that a couple of spots were still open after I had sent mine. ;-) Sadly, I couldn't re-submit because I'm on the other side of the world and it was bedtime for me.

  9. Wow...I thought this was the super fastest contest ever when I got rejected at 7PM and 8 seconds. Never bothered to go back to the website until this morning so I guess I missed out. Bummer.
    When's the next contest???

  10. Dorothy...Anna...Miriam...

    My wonderful SA has offered to read your submissions as part of the contest. Simply SA is wonderful. :)

    I am posting directions shortly!

  11. What a wonderful Secret Agent, Authoress. That's because she knows how much work you've put into this.

    I hope you're feeling better after your stressful day.

  12. That rocks! Thank you so much, Authoress, and thanks to the SA of course, too! :)

  13. Can't wait to learn who our SA is. I have a few ideas!
