
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Crit Session for Agented Authors

So I've gotten the message that maybe--just maybe--a few of our faithful critters have felt a bit left out of the fun now that they're agented. The need for good feedback doesn't go away once you sign on the dotted line, so agented authors, this one's for you!

Submissions will open at NOON EASTERN TODAY. Here are the guidelines:

  • This crit session is for AGENTED AUTHORS ONLY
  • Please submit the FIRST 500 WORDS of ANY MANUSCRIPT, complete or incomplete
  • Ten entries will be accepted.
  • Please do not enter material that is currently on submission.
  • Please do not enter if it will make your agent break out in hives.
  • Submissions will open at NOON EASTERN and remain open until we have 10.
  • Please follow the regular formatting (same as Secret Agent contests):

(type entry here)

And of course, PLEASE send your submissions to authoress.submissions(at) Believe it or not, I'm still getting entries at my other address.

Questions below!


  1. Yep, I'd recommend you ask your agent. I posted in one (that was open to everyone) but asked my agent first.

  2. Oh I may have to take advantage of this. My openings are always the hardest thing to get right.

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  3. I've got a WIP that could use the laser-like focus of the awesome MSFV community. Thanks for the opp!

  4. What about authors with publishing deals, but no agent? ^_^ I have a new work with an opening that needs some crit!

  5. What about someone who has an agent in a different country than the US?

  6. If it's fine with your agent, it's fine with me!
