
Monday, September 20, 2010

Submissions Are Now Open



  1. Woohoo! Thanks, Authoress! Good luck to all the entrants.

    (For anyone looking for post number info, I submitted at 12:00:08 and got post number 2.)

  2. I'm pasting the plain text and typing in the Screen Name part, but still getting rejected for Name, Title, Genre not being there...hmmm. Any suggeestions?

  3. I just got bounced for being over word count. I think it may be counting the name, title, genre as part of word count.

  4. Jess, is it in CAPS: just like authoress' example?

  5. Sandra...No, it does not count name, title, and genre.

    You've got to send it plain text because your word processor is obviously adding "junk" to it that is invisible, but the bot sees it.

    Jess...Hmm! Are you remembering the colons? If you don't have colons, it won't read it as name/title/genre and will tell you they're missing. That's all I can think of! :(

    Hope you will both try again at 6:00.

  6. Rhea,

    It was in CAPS with the colons--thanks for asking :)

    I'll try again, thanks!

  7. I didn't get a bounce or a receipt. Am I lost?

  8. I take it back. SPAM FOLDER!! Grrrrr. I've got my number!! Yay!

  9. I sent mine 12:00:01 straight (right after the post went up) and got rejected with the message that 25 entries have been reached. Is that possible so fast?

    I'll try again tonight (it'll be 1am over here) but I thought this kind of weird. I know Fantasy always fills up awfully fast but only a few seconds???

  10. Cat, it filled up in 4 minutes. Don't wait for the announcement to post; watch the time at or something, and hit "send" right at 12. Because sometimes there's a delay with Blogger, and that could cost you.

  11. But that's just what I did. The time stamp on my mail says that I sent it at 12:00:01 (and my PC-clock automatically connects to and updates). I doN#t know if I'll make it. Getting up that early in the morning isn't really my cuppa.

    Still, thanks for doing these contests. They are great fun (even if I don't get in).

  12. I went to the authoress.submissions account to check. And the contest actually did fill up faster. 23 the first minute with the final 2 right after the minute changed. So for some reason, you were a minute off.

    I got the 4 minutes from the time-stamp on my message from the bot that tells me the contest is full. But it actually filled up faster than that.

    I had no idea! =(

  13. WOW! That shows how very good this whole idea of a secret agent contest is. I'll keep commenting. Maybe, I'll make it next time.
