
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Submissions Are Now Open

Let the influx of loglines begin!


  1. Screen Name: Valerie
    Title: Shattered Glass
    Genre: YA coming-of-age contemporary

    A teenage summer nanny tries to shield her young charges from their parents’ alcohol abuse and escalating violence. She spends the summer trying to hold a shattered family together, while sad secrets tear her own family apart.

  2. Valerie, you have to email it.

  3. Already says it's full.

  4. Whew! I sat here hovering over "send" and by the time I hit it, I was number 19. Those slots go fast!

  5. Wow... I sent at 7:01 and it was full already. Wow.

  6. Wow, that was fast. I just made it in!

  7. Wow! I submitted at 7:02 and missed!!

  8. Wow, I sent it in ten seconds past seven and I still didn't make it. Wow.

    [At least next time I know better!]

  9. i sent mine at 7 on the dot and it was already full

  10. Sent it at 7:00 and it was already full. Wow! Congrats to those who made it in.

  11. I was 2 seconds past 7 and didn't make it in. Wow, email right before 7 next time.

  12. I waited a whole 4 seconds.


    I was nowhere near first.

  13. That sucks so bad. I've had that in my draft folder since last week, submitted at 6:59 by the world clock and was too late. It couldn't have been set to eastern time.

  14. I don't feel so stupid sending to '.net' e-mail at 7:02.

    One of these milleniums I will get it write...right? aarggg.

  15. I submitted mine at 7:00 on the dot and didn't receive any response at all, no "early",#, or "late". Could you let me know why so I can remedy this for next time?

  16. Yeah, sent mine in at 7:01 and it was already full. I guess people had their finger right over the send button at 7.

  17. I'm with Karen, I sent mine at exactly 7 and got no response as well.

    Either way, I spend some time seriously thinking about my logline and that's good.

  18. It would be nice to have lots of loglines posted, then vote on the ones we like best to winnow them down to the top 15 or so for in depth comment.

  19. I lied. I just got a response. I'm in. So, Karen, hopefully you made it as well :)

  20. Sent it at 7.02, and didn't make it. I had it in my draft folder, ready to send. I turned to talk to my son and hit send at the same time and out popped the reject message. Oh, well!

  21. I first sent mine at 4:00 PDT and got the 'full' message, too. Yikes.

  22. Got my response 45 minutes later. Didn't make it in. Wow. I literally hit send 3 seconds after the post went up. Must have been an e-mail glitch.

    But yay for the people who got in! Can't wait to read and learn. :)

  23. Pat, agreed! I've spent 5 days straight on it. Certainly not time wasted.

  24. A question. You said there'd be 25 YA and 15 adult submissions accepted. I was just wondering, if you didn't even get 15 adult loglines entered (YA seems to be dominating the submissions), are you going to reopen submissions for just the adult entries? Or will you just adjust the numbers of how many of which are accepted?

  25. Same thing. I sent at 7:00 and 40 seconds and didn't make it in! Wow you guys are fast! haha

  26. I'm wondering about all of us who've worked hard on our loglines and didn't make it in, and would love some feedback. Anyone interested in exchanging loglines for critique? Any of the agented authors willing to help us out? (Not that the time you already spend on this isn't appreciated! You are all awesome!)

  27. I got in -- checked the "what time is it?" website for the correct time in NYC and submitted it as soon as the clock turned 7:00 p.m. I received a reply immediately that I got in. Yay!

    Thanks to Authoress for her generosity in hosting these events!

  28. For those who want to know exactly what time it is, here is the website with New York City local time:

    The World Clock

    Keep it open when you are ready to post and then hit send as soon as it changes. Worked for me!

  29. Bethany--this isn't the auction. That isn't until December. This is just a chance to get feedback on our logline before that madness begins. ;)

  30. Always remember that emails do not arrive the minute you sent them (I learned that during the last Secret Agent). Some emails take longer than others but it doesn't seem to be related to where you live. Last SA-Contest, I sent a mail on the full hour but the time stamp on the rejection was a full 30 seconds later. Just keep trying the next time.

  31. What a nice blog I liked it very much thanks for your creative work done by you.

  32. Well... I had mine all set to go at one minute past 7 which is one minute past midnight my time, I went to bed thinking I had it in the bag only to discover I'd copied and pasted the period after the email address and so the thing got sent back to me saying 'domain malformed'. So I'm feeling pretty malformed myself grrr! Thank you authoress for giving us another chance next week!
