
Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Fricassee

Today brings another helpful gem from one of our own.

S. Kyle Davis has opened his blog as a forum for the 25 ENTRANTS OF THE FIRST LOGLINE CRITIQUE SESSION.

Go HERE and follow the directions.

Basically, if you were among the 25 who participated in the first logline session, you are invited to submit your revised logline for critique on Mr. Davis's blog. The loglines will post this coming Monday, November 8.

I've said it four million times, but I'll say it again: YOU ARE AN AMAZING COMMUNITY OF WRITERS!

Other tidbits:

Just a reminder that participation in next week's Secret Agent Contest DOES NOT EXCLUDE YOU from entering the Baker's Dozen Agent Auction in December.

I will announce the names of our thirteen participating agents and our critting editor and authors next week. Stay tuned!

And finally, here is Holly Bodger's THIRD INSTALLMENT on loglines, wherein Bob must defeat the King of Sweden. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ ALL THREE OF HOLLY'S POSTS ON LOGLINES, GO DO IT NOW.

That's everything! My personal happy news is that I've finished the Big Revision and am almost halfway through a final edit. So many of you have cheered me on through this soul-sucking process; thank you.

Happy weekend!


  1. Congratulations on finishing the Big Revision and your progress on the edit. Hang in there! You're almost to the place where the work stops feeling like work and starts feeling wonderful again!

    Thank you again for making all these opportunities available for those of us still in the querying trenches. I've only come out from lurking to commenting recently, but I've appreciated what you do here for a very long time, so speaking on behalf of all the lurkers (and those just finding voices) let me say again: thank you!

  2. Congrats, Authoress.

    Have you considered putting a chap up for critigue here in your blog? I for one will be more than happy to give you an input. Others must feel the same. You do so much for us that we would like to return the favor. Of course, all those critiques might drive you crazy since there will be conflicting opinions, but hey, it's your job to agree or not agree, right?

    So how about it?

  3. Not only that, but perhaps there's a way for the community to do more activities ongoing to help you out? So you're not collapsing under the thanksgiving table? What an image.

    I had wanted to comment on another post wherein you said you didn't think of yourself as a type A personality. I didn't, because I was late. I'm still amazed by the speed in which everything happens online, and I'm not timely yet, seem to be late for everything, including commenting. When I see 14 or 15 on the loglines and have nothing new to add, I stay silent. But this 'late for the party' syndrome has got to stop!

    With respect to your Type A post, I see a dedicated writer and a dedicated human who doesn't want to let her community down; ie. you have major empathy for the Herculean task most face in getting published. Maybe, sometimes, that's mistaken as type A, because Empathy shares symptoms? Ha... that's it, you're a Type E... which also alludes to the Electronic. Yeah, you have E-empathy. sorry, am on a chocolate high at the moment, not drunk.

    there is a point here: Your personality type post got me thinking there must be a way or ways for the community to give you some breathing space. Because not many would do what you're doing.

    New word for Authoress: delegate. I bet people will help, as you're seeing with the logline satellite work. That's awesome stuff, truly.

    I had no idea about the satellite blog workshop on the Chocolate Reality blog, and still don't know where I ought to have gone to not have missed it. (??) Can anyone tell me where the info was posted before it started?

    glad you finished the B.R.... and maybe when the dust settles after the Big 13, there'll be a minute to brainstorm here about ways the community might support you? Sure looks like there're many awesome willing hands. Love it. Kayley

  4. kayley--Steena (Chocolate Reality) started the blogfest because some of us (her and me) wanted feedback on our new loglines after participating in one of the Authoress's crit sessions. The Authoress didn't know about it until a later date. She was sweet to mention it on the one post.

    Congrats, Authoress, on your big revisions. And thank you for everything you do. :D

  5. I've got a question regarding the Baker's Dozen Auction. In your rules you state: NON-AGENTED AUTHORS ONLY.

    What if someone has an agent in a country with a different language (like Chinese, French, German). Could they enter, especially if the agent is willing to let the author go in case of a contract with an US agent?

  6. Stina, thanks for filling me in. It's one thing to be late for the party, another to be going blind, so I'm glad to know. lol

    I don't think of Stina and Steena as common names; how cool to have two of you here, and in blogfest cahoots to boot. ;)
