
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Anyone Out There?

It's hard to know whether or not to blog during this nebulous week-between-holidays.  Most "normal" folks have jobs/life to which they return, which I assume includes their daily blog reads.  But the publishing industry takes a long winter's nap until January, so it's a weird sort of limbo.  Yanno?  Because we're all...writers.

Not that I meant to imply that publishing is somehow not "normal."  It just beats its own drum.  Which is probably why it's a perfect fit for me.

At any rate, I just wanted to send you a loud PSSSSST! so you know what's coming up.  Namely, the journey-to-agent story.  In two parts, even.

First installment tomorrow.  Just to make sure you're still out there.

(Yes, I'm still grinning!)


  1. I'm still here!! I guess I'm not one of those with a job/normal life to return to this week...

  2. thankfully my "day" job (i work @ a hotel so...yeah...) consists of a lot of internetting. so, i'm totally excited to read your story!

    congrats again!

  3. I'm really looking forward to hearing your story! It's all about the journey, right? And I have an agent call set up in 3.5 hours myself, so I'm hoping to have a similar story soon... maybe?

  4. Still reading in the mornings before hubby gets out of bed to give me the stink eye for not being "with the family". Hey, my body is in the same house, right?

    Looking forward to your story tomorrow!

  5. I'm here to read blogs, so I'll be looking for your posts. Congratulations!

  6. I'm here, too. I'm a all week! Congratulations to you! chrsity

  7. Still here! Horses don't take vacations, so I'm not used to getting any either... which makes querying hell on me at holiday times like this...

    Can't wait to read someone else's success story! I could use the boost for my 'can do it' nerve...

  8. I'm looking forward to your story.

  9. Listening! Just started a new day job, so no vacation for me. I make time to read your blog (figuratively...oh, if only I could literally make time).

  10. I'm a high school teacher- using our Christmas Break to write, write, WRITE! (and read Snarky and informative blogs OF COURSE) so excited to hear about your journey!!!!!!!!!! *beams at you*

  11. Definitely looking forward to your story as blogging withdrawals have set in during this snowy holiday season. But your SA Hall of Fame archives have really helped! That and Madden.

  12. I haven't posted much here, but I'm here reading :-)

    I look forward to reading the travel-log of your publishing journey.

  13. I'm here :) Can't wait to hear your agent story!!

  14. Yep, I'm here, looking forward to hear how it all happened.

  15. Never give up on reading/writing blogs.... Even Christmas day I was around.

    Looking forward to your next post, Authoress. Keep smiling.


  16. Still here, just tweaking the latest version of my query letter. *sigh*. Can't wait to hear your story. : )

  17. SWEET! Can't wait to read your story!! Love those stories, you know?

    It does get pretty quiet out there during the holidays, doesn't it? :)

    Hope you had a great Christmas, and I can't wait to hear your story!

  18. I'm here too. I don't post much, but I'm always reading. Can't wait to read about your journey to finding your agent. I'm sure there were many wide rivers to cross and some probably had crocs in them too. ;-)

  19. I'm here (and I'm new). I'm looking forward to catching up on all your historical posts and hearing your agent story.

  20. I can't WAIT to hear your agent story! Happy New Year to you!

  21. Ear to the ground here. I'm GREEN and that's nothing to do with living in Ireland. I hope you'll tell us what Genre your book's in.

    And I hope you won't close down this blog now that you've ascended! It's a great resource for wannabes like me.

  22. New readers here, so I'm definitely looking forward to your journey-to-agent story. (And I think I already said so, but it can't be said too often: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!)


  23. Here, ready and waiting for your story.

  24. I'm still lurking around waiting to hear the rest of the story....

  25. Finally decided to de-lurk here. Found your blog a few weeks ago, and have been reading the archives (Mostly done now!).
    Even though I'm new, I'm still so excited for you!! It's always so wonderful to hear the I've-got-an-agent tune. Never gets old :)
    Can't wait for tomorrow's post. And I'm super-excited about being able to join the critiques/activities here in the future.
    Congrats again!

  26. I'm here! I have a day job but I'm on holidays so I haven't had to return to it yet. I'm using the time to query (I know, I know, the publishing people are all on holidays) but this is when I have time, so I'm just going to have to be patient.

    Did I mention I'm refreshing my email every few minutes despite a) knowing the publishing people are on holidays and b) living in a time zone that means they're sleeping while I'm refreshing?

    Anyway, I can't wait to hear your agent story. Partly because I'm querying myself so it takes on that extra edge, but mostly because I've been following this blog for a while and I've benefited greatly from it, so I'm very excited for you.

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