
Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday Fricassee

And so the year draws to a close!  Admittedly it's my happiest New Year ever.

Stay tuned for the next installment of my "journey story."  It's taking a bit of time to get together, but it'll be worth it because--wait for it--Josh and I are co-writing it.

Oh, yes.  You're going to hear the rest of the story from his perspective as well as mine. 

And I know you love getting inside agents' heads as much as I do.  So this is going to be fun!  Look for it next week.

In the meantime, have a glorious and peaceful transition into the New Year!  As always, I'm thankful for the time I've spent with you.

I leave you with a thought:  Earlier this year, I claimed 2010 as my Year To Get An Agent.  It took the entire year, but it happened!  So instead of making silly, guilt-invoking New Year's Resolutions, why not claim 2011 as your year to Accomplish Something.  You don't have to reach for the moon, but don't settle for the sand at your feet, either.

Even "Completing and Editing My Very First Novel" is a worthy goal.  Finishing ANYTHING you've begun is a worthy goal!  So don't make promises for the New Year. SET GOALS.

Because anything can happen.


And I can finally say that with authority!

Happy, happy, happy New Year.


  1. Great words of inspiration.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Congrats on landing an agent!!! What a great way to end off the year. I've already deemed 2011 as my year to find one. Leaving all negativity behind with 2010.

    I enjoy reading about your journey.... just shows that hard work really does pay off.

    Happy New Year!!!!

  3. Here's to 2011: the Year of Getting a Publishing Deal! **clink**

  4. Yay! Happy New Year to you!!

    I look forward to the co-written blog post about your agent journey!

    See you next year!

    And how appropriate that my word verification is stick. I'm going to stick with my 2011 goals! ;-)

  5. 2011 is my year to get an Agent - and may it be your year to get a publishing deal!

    Happy New - and as always, thanks for the wonderful blog!

  6. Congrats again - can't wait to hear Josh's version! :)

    I hope your 2011 is even better than your amazing 2010!

  7. Belated congratulations, and happy new year! Also, thanks for the idea: 2011 will be My Year of Completing and Editing My First Novel!

  8. Happy New Year!!!
    I definitely want to finish my first novel this year. But I'm also hoping to be moving out of country, so I might be a tad busy. :P
    But I'm sure I can do both if I try!

    Thanks for the inspiration :)

  9. Happy New Year--and I'm hoping 2011 is even better for you than 2010.

  10. Your success is an inspiration to all us aspirants, Authoress! I can't wait to read the next installment!aledu

  11. Happy New Year!
    My goal for the year is to finally write something I like enough to try to get published. I have something I'm almost done with. Now I just need to finish it up and work up the courage to query.

  12. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about Josh. I'm out on submission to him right now. ;D Happy New Year and thanks for the reminder! I had finding an agent on my list last year and I came darn close, so I'll make more concrete goals for doing so this year. :)

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