
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Showered With Roses

That's what this feels like!  Your words of congratulations here--and those on Twitter and the Blueboards and even in my email box--have felt like roses at my feet.

Thank you for sharing my happiness!  (Well, "happiness" is lame, but I'm trying to maintain a professional veneer.  Even though you all KNOW I've been dancing around the house with a stupid grin on my face for days.)

I'm going to post the Authoress Gets An Agent story after Christmas.  Until then, a couple of tidbits:

Josh has added me to his client list as "Authoress."  You've gotta love a guy who will play along with my alternate personality, yes?  See it HERE.

For the many who have asked:  Yes, I will reveal my real name (anticlimactic, I'm sure) when we've got a book deal.  I'd rather not have "Authoress" on my book covers.  And, yes, I'd like you all to know who I am so you can come to my book signings and introduce yourselves by your screen names.

(How many people get the opportunity to hear things like, "Hello, I'm Screaming Guppy!" in public?)

You've been a part of my journey as much as I've been a part of yours.  I'm so grateful to be "knit into" this community.

You rock!

Truly.  Thank you.


  1. What a fantastic christmas present!
    Congrat's. You so deserve it!

  2. Authoress... I only just discovered your blog this month and am so disappointed I missed the journey! Congrats on what I'm sure must feel like a dream come true. God willing, I will walk in your footsteps (blogwise, bookwise and other). Best of luck on your book deal. Please continue blogging now that I'm here!!

  3. Can't wait until your book signing. DO you have that red feathered hat? We will know you anywhere!

    Best of luck and Congratulations again.


  4. Authoress, you keep me going! Seriously. Just got a bruising rejection the other day and was headed toward serious pouting when I was reminded that you'd announced getting an agent. Off I went to revamp the query and cast it out again!

    I can't wait to get my hands on your book (I know, long wait, but still) and it would be so awesome to get to meet you in person! It's so fun meeting the Screaming Guppies. I still laugh thinking back on the first Sirens conference when Kristin Cashore spoke, and paused to ask if Artemis was in attendance and I got to be like 'yeah, fuzzy-headed Clark Kent right over here' :D

    Again, CONGRATS!!!

  5. I'm so extremely happy for you, Authoress. I'm more of a lurker than a poster, but this deserves posting. You are an inspiration to us "non-agented" writers, because, now, *drumroll" you are no longer in that category. Yea!!! And yes, we've traveled that road with you, and you always give us hope. Thank you for that. For your commitment and dedication, for your genuine love and concern and for your professional demeanor. But by all means, dance around the house! You so deserve it. Congrats. Truly. Congrats.

  6. This just goes to show that by giving you get so much more. Dear Authoress 'official' you emmersed yourself in the art of writing seen from all angles (editors, agents, and fellow writers). Yoyu alteady were good at your craft, and got better as did we all.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and a great New Year to all.

  7. I mostly lurk, but I really appreciate all that you do for everyone! You are an amazing lady, and don't you ever forget it :).

    Congrats on the agent, and I agree- it rocks he's keeping you listed as "Authoress" on Publishers Marketplace :).

    Have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing new year!

  8. I'm a chronic lurker as well, but I wanted to say CONGRATS to you! Hard work and perseverence definitely do pay off! :)

  9. Congrats! So wonderful to hear!!

    Jamie Blair

  10. *Does happy dance for Authoress* So excited for you!!! Can't wait for details!

  11. I think having you listed as Authoress is my favourite part! Congrats again :)

  12. Your agent listing you as Authoress is beyond cool!

  13. Congratulations, Authoress! We are all so excited for you and appreciative of the opportunities you've given us. :) Enjoy the ride...

  14. I saw Josh's page yesterday and laughed. I can't wait to hear the story of how you got an agent, nor for the big reveal... should we start a betting book in the meantime as to your real name??

  15. Congratulations! You give so much to the writing community through this blog and all of your secret agent contests; I am so happy to see the goodness coming back around to you.

  16. Hah!

    Authoress, I would love the chance to meet you and introduce myself properly. ;)

    Congrats again. And Happy Holidays!

  17. I missed the original announcement and just saw this today, and I have to say - you totally made my day! I am so happy for you!

    You have worked so hard to help all of us. HUGE CONGRATS, my friend.

  18. I have been out of town, but wanted to offer my sincere congratulations! You SOOOO deserve it! : )

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