
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The First Secret Agent Contest of 2011!

We're ready to roll.  A few things for the newbies:
  • All contest entries should critique a minimum of 5 other entries.  It's about GIVE AND TAKE, not just TAKE.
  • PLEASE choose the third option for signing your posts, which is "NAME/URL." (The URL is not necessary.)  Please do not be anonymous!
  • Critters, please be honest but kind. 
  • You may start critting as soon as the posts go up, and continue critting all week and through the weekend.
  • Entrants: Please don't posts explanations, justifications, questions, or arguments in response to the critique you receive.  Read it ALL, sort it out later.  Keep what resonates with you, toss out the rest.  But please. No justifying. (I know it's hard! Walk away if you need to.)
Okay, the entries will post shortly!

(PS: You'll notice my DONATE button is down.  Although there is absolutely no connection between the Secret Agents and my button, I don't want any inkling of misconception floating around.  As in, agents accepting money for reading excerpts.  Because, they don't. No decent agent ever does.

Anyway.  The button will be back up when the contest closes on Monday.  As always, thank you for your generous support of this blog.  And, well, of me.)


  1. The Donate button is still visible for me.

    Thank you so much for doing this contest! I'm so excited to read everyone's entries and see what kind of feedback I get on my own.

  2. I just went through and commented not having read this post. I commented with my Google ID which reads "chelsey" instead of Chelsey Blair.

    But I commented on at least five! :)

  3. Holy smokes, I just finished reading all the entries and there are some TALENTED people out there! I thought everyone's work was very strong. I wouldn't want to be the agent who has to pick just a few of these :)

  4. I commented on several this evening. There are some great stories here, and some good feedback.

    I'm not one of the entrants, just a new reader trying to figure out how everything works.

    Thank you for hosting this!

