
Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Fricassee

Happy last-Friday-of-January!  Not that I'm excited to get the heck to the end of winter or anything.

I've spent the last several days thinking out backstory for my WIP, and my brain has pretty much liquefied.  As such, I don't have a lot to say.

Well, I always have a lot to say.  It just wouldn't be coherent this time.

So it's a good thing I have a fun link to share!

Katrina Lantz honored me with an awesome, out-of-the-box interview on Operation Awesome:


Go read it and leave her your happy comments.  They run a great blog over there!

And have a joyful weekend.


  1. Loved the interview, Authoress. You have such a precious personality!

  2. Fantastic interview!

    By the way, you should get used to doing interviews. You'll be doing a lot more when your book sells! :)

  3. Squee! Ditto to what Jess said. Get used to doing these interviews. You will soon be a woman in demand.

    Thank you so much for gracing our blog with your presence!
