
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Are You Hooked?

Okay, folks--the entries will post shortly.

Critique as usual.  And may I just say--don't approach this any differently than you would approach any of our in-house critiques (or contests, for that matter).  When it comes right down to it, every writer on the planet, whether aspiring, agented, published, or mega-super-published, needs honest, thoughtful feedback.  It's what keeps us all growing.

Just wanted to say that.  Because (and you know this) there isn't an "us and them" in here.  Just an "us."

Writers.  Growing.

And have fun!  There's an incredible smattering of genres included, so you're in for a treat.

Entrants, please critique a minimum of five entries. 

Away we go!

1 comment:

  1. I'm well and truly hooked on a number of these, but I am completely
    hooked by the absolute fabulousness you are by running such a thing.
    Linda McLaren
