
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A FIRST KISS Critique Round

What better way to kick off February!

I'm opening submissions at 5:00 pm EST TODAY (February 1) and will accept the first 30 submissions (plus one alternate). 

  • Please submit your 150-word "first kiss" scene.
  • The scene may be from a finished manuscript or a WIP.
  • Agented and unagented authors may enter.
  • Please: NO UBER-GRAPHIC KISSES. This is a PG-13 site. (Discretion mine.)
  • Format as follows:
SCREEN NAME: (type your screen name here)
TITLE: (type your title here)
GENRE: (type your genre here)

(Type a 1-sentence lead-in to your kiss scene here.)

(Type your 150-word kiss scene here.)

Yes, I've padded the word count to accommodate the lead-in.  But you've only got 50 extra words, so don't be verbose. (Heh.)

Post your questions below!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "The submission address for all in-house critique sessions is authoress.submissions(at)"

    It's on the "crits and contests" page.


  3. This is SO GOOD!

    I'm terrible at love scenes, can't wait to see how the pros do it!

  4. Love this! Probably won't enter, but I look forward to reading everyone else's submissions!

  5. Hm, this sounds like fun. Hope I can get the e-mail to accept my entry this time.

  6. Oo, this was a lot of fun the last time. Can't wait!

  7. Sounds like fun! Probably won't enter, but might have a look through the MS anyway, just in case it's not as bad as I remember.
    Looking forward to reading everyone's entries!

  8. Count me in! I set a reminder so i can be prepared to send it right at 5 EST. *crosses fingers*

  9. Awesome! Thanks for the lesson, Authoress.

    Maybe I'll do a FIRST KILL scene on Halloween...

  10. this may be the dumb/obvious answer of the day, but does the 150wc include the lead in sentence?

    [word verification: lowin
    the chances of my entry making it through.]

  11. If we don't want to have a lead-in can we use the full 150 for the kiss?

  12. Did I interpret the guidelines wrong or do we count the lead in sentence separate from our 150 word first kiss scene?

    Very excited about this critique opp :)

  13. Y'all! I really did specify the word count thing:

    Yes, I've padded the word count to accommodate the lead-in. But you've only got 50 extra words, so don't be verbose.

    That's 150 plus 50.



    (word ver: grunti)

  14. Question: Is the lead-in the sentence prior to the kissing scene, or is the lead-in just a summary to set up what's going on?

  15. The lead-in sentence should set up the scene for us, since we're going to be dropping into the middle of a story.

  16. 150 words? Pft! You know I can't write a first kiss in under 800. :-P

  17. LOL! I TOTALLY heard your voice in my head when I typed the "150." I kid you not!! :)

  18. I am so happy I read back through the guidelines because the 5:00 pm EST finally sunk in. I completely forgot that I live in the central time zone and therefore it will be 4:00 for me O_O That was a close one!

  19. wish I could set my clock by yours...
    any chance for countdown html someday?

  20. 150 is hard, I'm looking through manuscripts to see if any make sense in that word count. Maybe it's a hint to me to tighten up first contact? A challenge anyway.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I might try this one - will require editing, though. The kiss isn't graphic, but some of the language is.:)

  23. Ah! I've edited the kiss scene to make it fit 150 words. I think I'll keep some of the changes in the wip.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  24. Sent mine at 5 (4 my time) on the dot so hopefully I'll make the first 30 *fingers crossed*

  25. :(

    Sent it at 5 on the dot and it kicked back. Sent it again and it was full.

  26. Well shoot! I apparently sent mine 1 minute too early, then resent it only to find out it's full!! *boggle*

    Good luck everyone! :)


  27. Drat! My submission was disqualified because my email has an automatic signature which sent the word count over!

    Guess I'll try again next time.

  28. Posting this to generate a screen name...

  29. I'm bummed that I missed this. My MC and his crush share a pretty hilarious first kiss.

  30. It's nice to have understanding employers (here in New Zealand) who are happy for me to hit 'send' in the middle of a work day.

    Shame I didn't squeak in. Maybe next time.
