
Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Fricassee

It's been another good Secret Agent round!  Our Secret Agent has actually gotten through the entire list, so I am in the fun position of knowing who the winners are several days early.


Also:  I'd like to thank you all for helping to make the launch of WRITE ON! a smashing success.  Please do continue to spread the word to your favorite teens and teachers.

And if you're on Twitter, please take a moment to follow Lizzy, our illustrious forums manager.  She's done an awesome job getting the community off the ground this week and I'm really proud of her!

My other team member, A Writer Gone Mad, has also invested time this week.  And once I start in on contests and critiques over there, she is going to be worth her weight in gold! Follow her on Twitter, too.

I LOVE when teens passionately pursue their talents and strengths.  And I'm honored to have these two giving so much of their time and energy to our new online community.

This is further confirmation of WHY I WRITE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE!

It has nothing to do with the fact that my inner teen is longing for release.  For a chance to live out a non-dorky, non-painfully-self-conscious existence.

Not at all.  Don't even think it.

'Til Monday!


  1. Write On! looks shiny. Somehow I'd missed the earlier mention of the new blog, but I've got it in my follow queue now :-P

  2. Thank you so much for this opportunity Authoress! It's going to be torture waiting til Monday, but you already know that.

    Quick question - is it okay to reveal ourselves as the author of our piecse in the comments, like if we wanted to thank people for specific bits of criticism? Or do you prefer we wait until after you announce the winners for that.

  3. Whether or not you reveal yourself is up to you. I keep entries anonymous as a courtesy to the authors. :)

  4. Ah gotcha. Don't know where I got a different idea. Thanks!

  5. Aw, thanks, Authoress! <3 I just hope I live up to the hype, ha ha. I'm really looking forward to starting my job, though, and I don't even know what 115 pounds is in gold! :)

    Lizzy really DOES rock, you guys. Believe me.

  6. Kalen, I already rushed straight on in and thanked everybody on mine : )

  7. Loving Write On! It looks like the links in this post to Lizzy and AWriterGoneMad's Twitter are broken, just so you know. Can't wait to see what comes next.

  8. Oh dear! Thanks, Nora; I'll look at that! :-|

  9. Hmmm, the links are working fine for me... ?

  10. You have to be signed into your Twitter account for the links to work. Once signed in, they work just fine!

  11. Authoress, I edited my entry and posted it as a comment under the original. Hope that's ok? I popped my blog cherry posting my entry, so I hope you'll forgive me if I'm blundering around in here : )

  12. I'm a new 'follower' to your blog, but wanted to say what you're doing on here is amazing, incredible, invaluable, and I'm so happy I found 'you'!! Thanks for being so thoroughly involved with writers and our aspirations, helping us in the ways we need it most (which can be quite difficult to find).

  13. Hehe. Someone just kindly pointed out to me that I should probably say I'm #23 :)
