
Monday, February 28, 2011

Thanks and a Vote!

Two things!

1. I want to thank those of you who took the time to critique the teen work on Write On! over the weekend. What a wonderful gift to give these young, aspiring authors! I'm proud of all nine of them.

2. We're going to do another in-house critique right here on MSFV. I'm feeling ambivalent this morning, though, so I thought it would be fun to open it to a house vote!  Which of the following would you like to do:

  • Talking Heads (focus on dialogue-rich excerpts)
  • Drop the Needle (excerpts that are NOT opening pages)
  • Are You Hooked? including loglines
Leave your vote (only one, please) in the comment box below.  Whichever one gets the most votes by 7:00 AM EST tomorrow is what we'll do!  


  1. Drop the Needle.

    First pages always get attention. The stuff that comes after is important, too.

  2. I would definitely go with Talking heads this time.

  3. Talking Heads is my vote!!

    It would be great to see fantastic dialogue.

  4. I vote for Drop the Needle! :D

  5. I vote for Talking Heads!

  6. Oooh, they all sound fun! I'm happy with Talking Heads or Drop the Needle, but I'll give my vote to Needle.

  7. I vote for Drop the Needle. Those poor not first pages need love too

  8. I'm going Drop the Needle. Looks like you're going to get pretty even votes on that and talking heads, so either one works, but for my vote, I say needle.

  9. I also like Talking Heads and Drop the Needle, but will go with Needle. If anything in my ms needs work, it's everything after the first page.

    Thanks for doing this!

  10. I love reading and writing dialogue, so I'd love to see some of that!

  11. Drop the needle. Although, I wouldn't mind another first kiss round either. :)

  12. I vote for drop the needle.

  13. It appears I'm in the minority, but I'd prefer Logline.

  14. Talking Heads! Agents are always talking about the importance of seamless, realistic dialogue and its hard to get a lot of dialogue or good dialogue critique from a first page.

  15. #3. Are you hooked, including logline

  16. I'd say hooked/logline. Because I'm getting ready to pitch. :)

  17. Definitely Drop the Needle. :D

  18. I vote for Are You Hooked/Logline

  19. Obviously, I'm not going to follow the instructions. :-P

    I vote for Are You Hooked but sans loglines. I LOVE loglines as much as anyone. Sometimes, I make myself a cup of tea and then just write random loglines all day long. The problem is that the loglines take away from the power of the first 250. A regular reader wouldn't use a logline to decide if they were hooked and I think some people were getting hooked on the logline, not the excerpt. If you want feedback on a concept's hookability (made that up...patent pending...Julia Roberts being considered for movie role), I'd suggest you do another logline crit. Or...a query crit. *gasp* **ducks**

  20. Drop the needle. I love opening books up in the middle and reading a random page before I decide if I want to read the whole book.

  21. I agree that first pages have taken too much attention away from the rest of the book and therefore drop the needle is much needed. But I am not sure how we can overcome the inherent problem of looking at pages that are in the middle: we don't know what has gone on before and our responses become limited. But hey, I'm sure a community of writers brainstorming can come up with good solutions.

  22. Of those, I vote for Drop the Needle. But someone else mentioned your past "First Kiss" contest and it reminded me of Nathan B's "Chase" contest, and now my eyes are spinning like a slot machine at the various possibilities.

  23. Drop the needle sounds interesting, but I'm not sure if my story can be read in the middle without confusion.

    I think I'll give my vote to "Are You Hooked?"

  24. I'd say Drop the Needle. I'm with Yat Yee. What about a lead in paragraph (no more than 100 words) that tells the reader where the scene comes in the book and a one sentence synopsis of the story?

  25. Hooked, but like Holly suggested, without the loglines. Loglines take away the impact of the first two-fiddy.

  26. Drop the Needle gets my vote. :)

  27. Not hard to decide ... Drop the Needle :)

  28. I agree with Holly—Are You Hooked sans logline.

  29. I also agree with Holly. Are you hooked without a logline.

  30. Loglines. I have a doozy I want to show off!

  31. Talking heads. I love to write dialogue.

    No matter how the vote goes, we win by having our work critiqued. Thanks so much for doing this.


  32. Drop the needle, please! :) (We should do one of those on WO!)

  33. I like first pages, I'll go for Are You Hooked.

  34. I like Holly's idea. I know the first pages always get lots of attention, but I find it really hard to critique something from the middle of a work, even if the author has written an explanatory sentence or paragraph.

    But I also like the idea of a query critique! I think we should have one of those too :-) Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact I'm currently querying...

  35. I always love to read the Drop the Needle excerpts!

  36. I vote for Drop the Needle (because those of you voting for talking heads can always drop the needle on a dialogue heavy scene).

    I agree there needs to be a lead in to avoid confusion.

  37. Drop the needle! Although I would never know which section of my ms to choose

  38. I agree with whoever said that all the choices are great- so thanks, as always, for the op.

    Now, like Holly I'm gonna be tricky (no offense, Holly). Can we do a Drop the Needle and those who want to can drop into a dialogue scene? That way almost everyone wins.

  39. Everyone seems to be going for drop the needle, so I'll bite!

  40. I also agree with Holly—Are You Hooked sans logline.
