
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Write Hope Auction For Japan

Public service announcement!

The fine folks at Write Hope are auctioning off kidlit books, critiques, and other prizes to raise money for the emergency relief fund of Save the Children.  It's all in a bid to offer help for the devastated people of Japan.

Mine's not on the block yet, but I've offered a 3-chapter critique of a completed MG or YA SF/F manuscript.  I'll give you heads up when it goes live so you can scoot over there and wildly outbid each other.

In the meantime, head on over and see what other goodies are available right now!  It's a wonderful way for the writing community to give what we can in the wake of a disaster that's truly too big for most of us to fathom.

I'm honored, as always, to be a part of the wonderful and giving writing community!

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