
Monday, April 18, 2011


In Ms. Marini's own words:

This was SUCH a tough decision. There were so many entries I’d read more of, and I want to thank everyone for all the work they put into this:

1st place:  Hack (#40)
Prize: Please send full

2nd place:  The Blues (#7)
Prize: Please send first half

3rd place: it’s a tie - Burned (#33) & Toxic (#22)
Prize: Please send first 30 pages

All the winners will, at the very least, receive in depth feedback.

Runner Up: Here Lies the Bride (#15). If anyone cannot submit for whatever reason, this should take their place.


And my favorite quote of all?

It’s been a while since I’ve had so many queries in a row with such quality. -- Victoria Marini

Winners:  Please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.  Runner Up: I will email you if any of the winners are unable to submit.

Also:  Miss Marini says that, if you feel good about the feedback you've received (this pertains to all 50 entrants), feel free to query her according to the submission instructions on her agency's web site.



  1. Congrats winners! I'm so happy that # 40, Hack won. That was my absolute favorite!

  2. Thank you so much Miss Marini and all those that gave me feedback. There were lots of good entries here and I am excited for the winners.

    "Miss Marini says that, if you feel good about the feedback you've received (this pertains to all 50 entrants), feel free to query her according to the submission instructions on her agency's web site."

    That is all I wanted to know. Thanks again. :)

  3. Dear Ms. Agent:

    When you write Runner Up: Here Lies the Bride (#15). If anyone cannot submit for whatever reason, this should take their place. - you do realize you're just asking for one of the four winners to meet an untimely end?

    Oh, never mind - that's just how a crime writer's brain works.

    NOTE to anyone who takes things literally: This is a joke. And I know NONE of these entrants!

  4. Yay! Congrats winners (especially #33 because she's my CP!)!!! :D

  5. Yes - if the rest of Hack is as good as these 250 words, I'd read the whole book! Congrats, Hack Author.

  6. Congrats to the other winners! @Sara--I'm locking my doors-lol.

    Thanks to Victoria for giving such comprehensive and helpful feedback on all the entries, and to Authoress for hosting another awesome contest.

  7. Yay! I said I'd read all these again.

    Congratulations to all the winners and a very well done to everyone who participated. Putting your work on show like that is a brave thing to do but worth it, I'm sure, for the valuable feedback.

    @Sara, I like how your mind works :)

  8. Thank you so much! I am completely shocked--there were so many fantastic entries. I'm excited about incorporating all your great suggestions into Hack.

  9. Thank you Victoria for the very helpful feedback and congratulations to the winners! A promise of in-depth feedback is a very valuable prize.

  10. Congrats to the winners!

  11. YAY! Congrats to all the winners and thanks to Authoress for hosting these events for us :D Also, of course, thanks to Vicki Marini for taking the time out to read each of them!

  12. Congratulations to everyone, it was a great round.

  13. Congrats, everyone! I hope we get more offers of rep from this contest :)
