
Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Fricassee

Okay, I'm going to come right out and tell you how hard it is for me to leave.

Not that it's hard to go on vacation. That part is VERY EASY.  Mr. A and I haven't gone on a real vacation in three years.  You can imagine how desperate we are for the time away.

But letting the blog go dark for three weeks?  Putting an auto-responder on my Authoress email accounts? It makes me twitch at even intervals.


I've got to do it, though.  This blog--love it though I do--comes under the heading of "work" (okay, "career" sounds more romantic), so it doesn't need to tag along during my travels. It needs to stay home.

So.  You probably want to know where I'm going, huh?  Well, basically, we're driving and driving and driving to my parents' home in the northeast (yes, it's no secret that I'm a yankee).  On the way, we're stopping in Virginia to visit Mr. A's aunt and uncle, WHO LIVE IN THE SAME TOWN AS JODI MEADOWS.

Yep.  My alter ego and I are going to meet in person for the first time.  Mark your calendars for this coming Tuesday, the official JODI AND AUTHORESS DAY.

I'm just a teensy bit excited.  You know.  Mildly.

Once I come down from my Jodi high, I'll be hanging with and hugging my mom and dad until it's time for Mr. A and me to leave for A WEEK AT THE SHORE.

I may never return.

After that?  More time hanging with and hugging my mom and dad.  Who live about ninety minutes from New York City.

So, yeah.  I'm heading to the city for a day, where I'll be meeting Josh for lunch and getting a tour of his brand new agency! And yes, the red hat is coming with me.

Can you see the Josh-in-red-hat pictures on the horizon?

That's pretty much my June.  I'm beyond excited.  And also up to my elbows with laundry, cleaning, and oh-my-gosh-what-if-I-forget-something-important?  (Like my red hat.)

I'll be back in the blogworld on June 27.  Hold down the fort for me, will you?  Despite the awesome line-up of the next three weeks of my life, I really do hate leaving.

It's that Type A thing rearing its head.  Or something.

Anyway!  'Til we meet again!  It feels good knowing you'll be here when I get back.

(Wait. You WILL be here when I get back...right?)




  1. Hope you have a great time! I love the northeast. :)

  2. Your release day happens while I'm on vacation! I'm gonna buy your book in my favorite beach town!!!! :D

  3. Have fun, be safe, we'll be here when you get back.

  4. I'll still probably call you Authoress in person. What? It's your name!

  5. Well, if you don't call me Authoress, I won't know who you're talking to.

  6. Have a terrific time - you certainly deserve it! We'll miss you, but everyone gets busy in the summer so it won't seem so bad. (No dark blog in January or February please!)

  7. Don't worry about forgetting something--they have Walmart/KMart/Target/Walgreens everywhere. (That's my husband's philosophy, anyhoo).

    Have fun!

  8. Sounds like you are gonna have a blast! Enjoy the time away. Freedom from responsiblity and the chance to kick back sound absolutely wonderful.

    See ya in 3 weeks here and on twitter.

  9. Have a wonderful vacation and don't forget your sunscreen! :)

  10. Have a great vacation and good luck with all of the amazing things that you are doing this June. Can't wait until you come back :)

  11. So, you'll be heading to my neck of the world, eh? When (or if) you drive through Washington, DC, wave the awesome red hat down the Potomac river in the direction of the Chesapeake Bay.:) Have a wonderful vacation!

  12. We'll be here. Have a great vacation!

  13. Sounds like a wonderful vacation-tell Jodi "hi" for me (not that she knows me but I half feel that I know her in that odd internet way) And no worries- we'll all be here when you get back. Drive safely and have fun!

  14. Have a nice time, and look forward to your return.

  15. Have a super fabulous time--a week at the shore sounds marvelous!

  16. Try not to keep the state of Virginia up all night when you and Jodi get together.

    Have a great time.

  17. Always good to take a break. Have a wonderful time!

  18. Have a wonderful time. And don't worry - I think we'll all be here waiting for you when you get back!

  19. Road trips rock! Adventure beckons. Safe travels.

  20. Have an awesome (and well-deserved) vacation. Vacations rock! Or so I'm told.

    Enjoy seeing Jodi and Josh, and I can't wait to see the pix!

  21. Has it really only been a week and a half? I'm so used to checking in on this blog every day. :)
